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Posts posted by AgentJohnnyP

  1. The code is set so if the Metadata.xml file is not found it would post a different error in the table other than NoPlatformFound. Could be how I'm checking for the ScapeAs field for the platform. I'm working on some additional checks around that and the metadata right now, should have it posted shortly.Thanks again! One of those situations where it works in mine lol I'll nail it down. 👍

  2. I finally got around to it, but I've released the web version of the Missing Games Checker as a full LaunchBox plugin! Haven't touched C# in about 10 years, but it was a fun project 😁 Check out the release in the Downloads section. Let me know if you find any issues or have any suggestions. Star Rating sorting is available as well with export functionality 👍

  3. Missing Games Checker Plugin

    View File

    Missing Games Checker (MGC) is a LaunchBox plugin designed to help users identify missing games in their collection based on platform metadata. It provides an easy-to-use interface that lets you view owned and missing games, and export the results.

    Instructions for Using the Missing Games Checker (MGC):

    1. This plugin in the LaunchBox Plugin folder.

    Installation and Usage:
    1. Install the Plugin:

    • Download the latest release of the MGC plugin from this page.
    • Unblock the downloaded zip file (Right-click on the zip -> Select Properties -> Click or Check "Unblock" if available)
    • Open the zip file and place the `LBMissingGamesCheckerPlugin.dll` file into your  LaunchBox\Plugins folder (example R:\LaunchBox\Plugins).

    2. Access the Plugin:

    • Launch LaunchBox, then access the Tools menu and find Missing Games Checker.

    3. Using the Plugin:

    • Select a platform from the dropdown menu and click the Confirm Selection button.
    • MGC will display a list of games owned and a list of games missing from your collection based on the LaunchBox metadata.
    • You can export the list of missing games to a CSV file for easy reference.

    4. Options/Features:

    • Filter games by Released status if you only want to check released titles.
    • Toggle column visibility to view/export the data you need.
    • Click on the highlighted cell data for links to video URLs, Wikipedia links, and the game on the LaunchBox DB (where available).

    If you've confirmed the above and are still having issues, please provide the following:

    • Click the "Export to CSV" button for the Missing Games table and save the .CSV file.
    • Attach the .CSV file to a post here.
      • (Optional) Attach a screenshot of the app with the error message.

    I'll review the information and post a fix/suggestion as soon as possible.

    Also, if you would like to have MGC perform additional tricks, let me know!! I do appreciate the feedback and will enhance the plugin over time based on your findings/suggestions.

    Special Thanks

    A huge thanks to the LaunchBox team and their API documentation for making this project possible, as well as Jason's helpful video tutorial.

    Check out the source code on GitHub if you're interested.


    • Thanks 1
  4. Thanks again for the feedback! I've worked some changes in to the page, probably about the best I can get with the XML files. I got the validation down pretty good so users shouldn't be able to proceed with the wrong info. I'll try and work some export options in at some point too, but I've already started down the C# path lol ... Gonna take a bit, but I'll get a plugin working which I suspect will be a lot better. Cheers!

  5. You read my mind for some of the enhancements I'm looking to do with it! And thanks, I was hoping someone with familiarity with the structure would give me some advice, appreciate it! I wanted to add additional filtering as well to weed out hacks/beta/etc.. from the list. And yeah, validation for the user platform xml to the platform selection was probably the next thing I was going to tackle. I'll be changing the code to verify against the other platform file (..\Data\) and will probably work it in then. 

    Honestly, my boss has been wanted me to 'branch' out so I'll be digging into .net 6 this fall and will use the plugin as my learnding project lol I haven't touched .net since the ASP.NET 4.5 👴 But I was looking over the API docs and there's a lot of good stuff to use so excited to get in and make it happen!

    Thanks again for the input!

    • Game On 1
  6. Hey thanks for the feedback! I had an urge and just started coding with no plan in place, so it is a little rough 😬 The UI is still very BETA lol and I will clean it up. Until then let me clarify it a little. These are based on the base files/locations in Launchbox:

    • The Platforms.xml (Step 1) and Metadata.xml (Step 4) are from the ..\Metadata\ folder.
    • The platform XML (Step 3) is from your ..\Data\Platforms\ folder (should be based on your collections).
    • The Metadata.xml is BIG (370+MB) so depending on the computer, it might take awhile. I've run it on my i7 3xxx with 16gb Alienware laptop and it does take a few minutes.
      • I was testing with a "trimmed" version of the Metadata.xml file until I got the async code in to handle the larger file.
      • So I made a copy of the Metadata.xml and stripped out the excess code so it only included 2 platforms. But you have to make sure the base structure of the XML is intact. Then use that file as your 'Metadata.xml'. You could in theory make a copy for each of your platforms to speed it up. But I do believe the Launchbox Metadata.xml file is updated often which will put your copies out of sync.

    Hope that helps and thanks again! I'll pick away at it as I can 👍 Cheers!



  7. Hey everyone! My first post and thought I would share a tool I created to check your games collection against the LaunchboxDB. I looked for a plugin or similar but couldn't find anything, apologies if this has already been done. I gave a stab at doing a proper plugin in C#, but it's been eons (and many versions ago) since I worked in it and gave up quickly lol. Went back to my comfort zone and made the tool in JavaScript. 

    Game Checker Expectations

    Just to give some heads up on what to expect from this:

    • This only checks against local copies of the XML files and local Metadata.xml file (NOT the actually LaunchboxDB website).
    • Some basic validation to verify files.
    • Designed against Launchbox 13.5 file formatting and XML naming conventions.
    • This is not a complete platform library check as Launchbox states their DB may not be complete and could be missing games.

    Feel free to leave feedback and any issues you might find.

    Also, my chance to give a shoutout to all the folk that make this scene possible!!!! Excelsior!


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