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  1. YES! Thank you so much. I knew it would be something simple and that makes sense. I can finally move on to other things.
  2. I am trying to figure out how Big Box sorts games. i'm working with my Pinball tables and when I change the Launchbox sort via the "Arrange By" menu, it doesn't affect the sort order in Big Box. The problem is that the games are not fully alphabetical. I've checked the "Sort Title" and it is empty for all of these games. They always show up in this order: Centaur Cirqus Voltaire Diner Ghostbusters Jurassic Park The Machine Medieval Madness Monster Bash Star Trek Stranger Things Tales of the Arabian Nights AC/DC The Addams Family Argosy Attack from Mars .... and so on, alphabetical from here Zeke's Peak You can see there are, like, 2 groups in the list ... the first group (Centaur-Tales) are alphabetical, and then it starts over from AC/DC and is alphabetical from there. Any thoughts on why this might be happening? Thanks! obe
  3. I'm messing around with customizing existing themes just to get my head around how this all works. It's going pretty well, but I can't seem to figure out what - if any - xaml views are used for the "Manage Themes / Startup Themes / Pause Themes" items in the System menu. I'm using a vertically oriented cabinet and the text in these menus is scaling up way to big to be usable. Thanks! obe
  4. @JaysArcade I am working on a vertical system now and would love to try out your theme if you are willing to share. obe
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