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Posts posted by Truest1

  1. 10 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    Not really, though you can either map a key to "fast forward" and use that to make the timer go faster or you can set a save state after the timer and load that after loading the game.

    Ok great idea 💡 I will try the fast forward right now. Thank you. 

  2. 37 minutes ago, tkssitch said:

    you can safely delete those if that is what you wanted to do. Non-Merge the only clean way to go about it.  Reason you get the additional apps message, is because Launchbox views those other version as "addition apps". So you would only delete those roms you selected to delete.  When you right-click on the game and "Edit Metadata", you will see the additional apps on the left column, which contains the other versions of those games.  Hope that helps clarify why Launchbox put up the additional apps message.  

    Bro I just tried it and man! Thank you ! This is exactly what I was looking for. The other way I was doing it when I expanded the game that has different versions. Sometimes the other versions disapeared.  Not next to the original. Then I'd find them somewhere else by the regional name. This is way faster and better to delete exactly what I wanted. Again thank you. 

    • Game On 1
  3. 28 minutes ago, tkssitch said:

    you can safely delete those if that is what you wanted to do. Non-Merge the only clean way to go about it.  Reason you get the additional apps message, is because Launchbox views those other version as "addition apps". So you would only delete those roms you selected to delete.  When you right-click on the game and "Edit Metadata", you will see the additional apps on the left column, which contains the other versions of those games.  Hope that helps clarify why Launchbox put up the additional apps message.  

    Makes total sense. I have to try this and see if it shows it like you said. Never really noticed that before. Thank you for the info. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, JoeViking245 said:

    Speculating here...

    What may have happened is, when you expanded the games, that info was still cached (not yet written to the xml file).  And when you when to delete the other files, it 'thought' there were still additional apps.  So at the "would you like to delete additional application ROMs as well" prompt, I'd select "No".

    OR... it doesn't actually check for additional apps, and just puts that message up 'just in case'.

    Thank you for the info. 

    • Like 1
  5. Hey guys I'm cleaning up my mame non merged set to save space. When I'm deleting a game that has Japan Asia and other countries. And I want to save the us version only. After I expanded the grouped games to show their individual versions. I select the ones I don't want and only leave the us version. I hit delete and Launchbox asks do you want to delete the 4 games for example. Then do you want to delete the roms for those 4 games this can't be undone. Then after that it asks " would you like to delete additional application roms as well " ? What does that mean didn't it already delete the roms ? And if I hit yes does it mess anything up for the remaining us game that did not get deleted?? PXL_20240515_131822999_MP.thumb.jpg.5e74d96f379e726156c7c31cb004cdd5.jpg

  6. Hey guys I've been using this theme for bigbox. When I use the theme. After like 3 to 5 min of so. After scrolling thought wheel. It starts to become really sluggish. So slow I have to restart bigbox. Love this theme. But been having this issue. Anyone experiencing this same issue? Any suggestions on how to fix this ? 

  7. Nice it does run a bit faster. Found some issues. In games view 2 the arcade video snaps are not aligned correctly to cad screen. Also the box art and cart or CD images don't show anymore in games view 4. As well. 

    Also in platform view 2 I believe the one that has icon in middle. When you go into a wheel and then come back out the games view. The platform wheels don't show till we move the joystick again then them magically reappear. Hope to see these fixes on the next version would be awesome thank you. Love this them keep up the good work. 

    • Haha 1
  8. 54 minutes ago, spycat said:

    In the lay file replace the text
    <bezel element=
    <element ref=

    That's all that's needed to update a single element lay.

    More complex lays need extra work.
    See Mr Do's Arcade at this link. https://mrdo.mameworld.info/

    Thank you. That's what I needed the last part. Awesome I will try this asap. 

  9. I absolutely love this theme. But I'm having a issue to where, when I use the them for like 1 to 2 min then it becomes sluggish. I'm just scrolling the wheel down I platform view. And it becomes sluggish. Wheels take couple of seconds to change from when I press down on my controller. What could be happening here? I have a pretty beefy setup so it can't be that. Please help anyone. Thank you in advance. 

  10. On 3/20/2019 at 11:46 AM, Jason Carr said:

    @gogoplata Unfortunately I've tested with your data and I'm not seeing any performance issues on my machines, so I'm guessing it's somehow system specific, or it's some kind of weird conflict with a running app. The next thing I would try is killing any and all processes that are running in the background via Task Manager, to see if there's a particular process that happens to be causing the issue. In the past, performance issues like this have often been the result of poorly written anti-virus software or similar.

    im havin this issu with 2 of my buits. one is a 8TB LB build and the other is 4TB. while using bigbox only it starts out fine and snapy . but then it starts to slow down. the wheel doesnt react as fast like 3 to 4 seconds from when i move wheel either down or up it becomes slugging. cant fifure this out please help. thank you in advance.

  11. 4 minutes ago, JoeViking245 said:

    You need to be in cocktail mode.  The upright cabinet only has (and can read) one set of controls.  However, the cocktail cabinet does have 2 sets of controls in which the defined player 2 inputs would be [then] recognize.

    Ohh ok. I never really noticed this. I will have to check my other build as well thank you. 

  12. On 4/9/2024 at 9:38 AM, faeran said:

    You could go into Options, under Visuals > Filters Side Bar, and turn on the Show "(None)" item 

    That will make the (None) item appear on your side bar, allowing you to see if you have any games in this state that could be causing what you are seeing.

    awesome I will try this asap. Thank you for the great suggestion 

  13. 1 hour ago, Rlad said:

    This happened to me when i was adding magazines, you'll have something that doesnt have a platform assigned to it so it generates a none folder.

    This is most likely the case but how do I find the file causing this issue?

  14. 6 hours ago, Retro808 said:

    Not seen this or anyone on the forums/discord/otherwise report a similar issue. You have any rogue platform xaml files in your \Data folders? The only thing in those folders should be files LB creates. Any manually created, backed up, or altered xaml files need to be stored elsewhere. That one thing known to cause random issue similar to this. 

    I checked all my XML files in the Launchbox,data folder and all seems well in there nothing extra but the platforms and playlists I have. 

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