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Everything posted by alvinicoogh

  1. I did it, with the fanart option checked, but nothing apperas
  2. Yes I did it in every step that I described before. I can't find anywhere (directories) the platform background images, it seems like they are not downloaded. But it's only my opinion, maybe wrong.
  3. I installed retrofresh, followed all the instructions, but the result is the same.. no background, as you can see in the pictures attached. My directories LaunchBox/Images/Platforms/... are empty inside Fanart, the same in the themes folders. I tried to put inside Fanart the background images downloaded and allowed them in the big box options, but nothing happened. I don't want to do a new installation, but it seems to be the last option. Any new ideas? Thanks for your help.
  4. The option is checked
  5. Thanks for your answer, but I have no background with any theme. Maybe I touched something that broke that setting. Can you give ma any idea to restore it?
  6. Thanks @bundangdon, but I tried put the image downloaded into the directories you told me, I changed theme and refreshed properties, but no background is displayed. Is there any settings that I have to change?
  7. Thank you very much. Where can I find some good platform images to use?
  8. Please help me, I'm a real noob! With all big box themes I can't display a background with the platform choice. What I have to do? Thanks a lot
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