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  1. Thank you so much!!! That was the problem. Options is pulling up now.
  2. In Launchbox I'm using the default theme. In Big Box I'm using CritcalZoneV2 - Default. That 2nd screenshot is when I click on the Window Icon on the small bar that pulls up (1st screenshot) when I click on Options.
  3. When I select Options from the Launchbox menu, I get a small bar with a Launchbox Icon, Window Icon and X Icon. I'm currently running Version 12.6. When I select the Window Icon, I get a large window with the Launchbox icon. If I click anywhere on that screen, then I get the error shown in the attachment. Any help would be really appreciated!
  4. I've tried other videos and I still get the same issue. After about 2-3 seconds the video stops and goes right to the menu.
  5. From the directions I followed online, my video is titled Startup. It's in the Videos folder in my Launchbox folder.
  6. I went through the forum and didn't find this in here. I'm currently using version 11.12. When I boot up Big Box, my intro video plays about 3 or 4 seconds and then goes to the main menu. How can I make Big Box play the full video? I went through the options and can't seem to find a way to make Big Box play the full video. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Thank you so much! I can't believe I didn't even try deleting it in the first place.
  8. Okay so launchbox is working now, but big box still shows the error.
  9. I just updated launchbox and now BB or LB won't open. I keep getting this error. I went to the path and found that the main LaunchBox folder was showing read-only. I unchecked and tried LB again, but it keeps showing the check on read-only and it keeps showing the error above. I already tried to reinstall the update and I keep getting that error. Please help.
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