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Everything posted by mdlp

  1. You're a good man! But I think we all knew that already. ?
  2. Good morning. I'm really hoping the deadline is inclusive of today... I was curating my list last night and have only just finished. ? But here is my 'wish list' for your consideration. There are what I expect to be a couple of more awkward ones, apologies for that. Christmas List for Mr RL.xlsx Launchbox Title Alternative Title Parent ROM Horz/Vert 10-Yard Fight 10-Yard Fight '85 10yard H Great Swordsman n/a gsword H Lunar Lander n/a llander H Shao-Lin's Road Kicker kicker V Spy Hunter n/a spyhunt V Tailgunner n/a tailg H TX-1 n/a tx1 H Up'n Down n/a upndown V Vindicators n/a vindictr H Many thanks again for all your efforts. Cheers, Mark.
  3. Many congratulations on achieving your goal!! I imagine it was quite possibly a rocky road, so full respect for taking on such a huge task and maintaining the momentum. And a personal thank you for your generosity, my own collection of curated roms has been enhanced exponentially from your work. Having the games and scan lines is great and fed the nostalgia fiend in me, but your vision really brought back that early 80s environment, and quite frankly surprised me how much of an enhancement that is. My fear now is that someone creates an 80s arcade in VR... I think I would flip my lid! And I know I've said it before, but such an effort and willingness to share your work is a shining example of positivity and good nature in an increasingly hostile digital world. Have you considered politics? ?
  4. It sounds like you're having a really rough time of it mate, fingers crossed with that, sounds horribly stressful. My daughter has been telling me this evening some stories of the school where she teaches, and to be honest I'm feeling a little traumatised right now at some of the things that go on. But that probably speaks volumes about me, injustice in any form really gets me. My point being, if indeed I ever have one, that life really has an annoying habit of hitting us with lows as well as highs. I think I'm seeing why we gravitate to light and fluffy hobbies such as these. All the very best.
  5. Mr RL, I wanted to add a few words to express gratitude for both the work you are doing and for the generosity you display in sharing so readily. Neither of which can be understated. I came across this resource by chance a few months back and you really have captured the feelings I got as a wide eyed kid in those magical video arcades of the early/mid eighties. It has been a pleasure to watch this unfold and rediscover some true gems trawling your repository. For many months I have been re-working an existing emulator front-end, so I can understand your passion and how it feels to toil over a labour of love. The front-end is from a somewhat possessive community, I had genuine high hopes of contributing much of my original work and sharing my passion with them, regretfully the hoops to jump through and controlling nature made me back away in frustration. Hence your generosity is a beacon which shines all the brighter in my eyes. You are an example to all of the positivity that is generated through giving freely and the recognition of others' efforts, such is a pleasure to see and I take my hat off to you sir. Thank you. Mark.
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