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Everything posted by scenariol113

  1. Hi all I am running TeknoParrot on Big Box in my arcade cabinet that I built. The emulator and Big Box run the game just fine. I am trying to get Jurassic Park Arcade (2015) to use my trackball and simultaneously use my arcade buttons for guns grenades etc... (trackball will do the crosshair aiming like a mouse could) My arcade buttons work off of a xinmotek controller and the trackball is a usb input and works just like a mouse. My cabinet runs all of these controls with no problem and is not a new build. I run MAME, Model3, Visual Pinball etc etc etc and others with success TeknoParrot in the settings gives you options for controller and game inputs to choose various inputs. Direct input, rawinput and xinput are different options. Depending on what I choose will allow certain inputs to work but others will not and viceversa. I messed with it a bit but I just cant get the trackball and buttons to work at the same time. It is like one works and other dont, switch to rawinput then it is viceversa. If run the game without launchbox bigbox like from the desktop itself it works with the trackball and the keyboard buttons just like I want. Basically in Big Box I can use the trackball but button dont work, but my wireless keyboard will work. I am kind of at a loss here Jurassic Park Arcade is a lightgun shooter but if you run it on a desktop it works very good via the keyboard and mouse, I think BigBox should work like this as well but I just dont think I know how to do it thx
  2. Been running it for a few hours now and the problem is gone! Your beta update has solved it for me. When should I turn off "beta update" and go back to a stable release? (I know this is still a fix in progress) Should I just remain on "enable beta update"?
  3. I updated to the latest beta. It is stable now for about 20 minutes. That is longer than before when it was crashing. I will keep the thread updated if I have a crash. So far so good! THX
  4. Thanks for the quick follow up. I can restart LaunchBox and will run the program and play games without error. If I dont play games after a short time the error will occur. I dont know if it is a problem in the "attract-mode" when the program is otherwise idling and not playing games.
  5. I keep getting this error and I dont know what to do to fix it. Any suggestions is appreciated.
  6. Thank you for the detailed explanation. It makes sense now to me. I am not running a command line version of MAME (which I should be). I chose MAMEUI out of laziness bc it is easier (for me) to play around with settings etc while I am testing games to put in my cabinet. It was def weird bc I could use the trackball in other platforms in my Launchbox like Model 2 and 3 games with no probs. Thanks again FV
  7. Just to update. I messed around for 2 hrs to no avail last night. I needed to rest my brain and worked it out this am. I do not know what or why this happened but for some reason the MAMEUI was not keeping my setting to allow/enable trackball/mice etc when I was executing it thru Launchbox. If I would open the MAMEUI independent from Launchbox it all would work fine. While in Launchbox I right click "centipede" for example and open MAME (not run the game just open MAME) then in the MAMEUI I right clicked the properties for centipede and in the controller tab and the mapping tabs the mouse was not checked and mouse was not enabled for "trackball". I am trying to explain this coherently and I could be slightly off but that is the jist of what was going on. I ask does launchbox have a separate file to store setting independent of the MAMEUI outside of Launchbox. I dont think it does but that would explain the weird behavior. It made no sense for the trackball to work in MAME and then open launchbox and play the same game (from the same MAME) and it would not read the trackball...that is ALWAYS the start of troubleshooting. We will always be asked does the emulator and settings work "outside" of the frontend (in this case Launchbox/Bigbox). I am happy that this is working now BUT I still would like to know what happened and why. Especially if it is something that I have installed that is causing the problem. In a few months I will forget how I fixed it...(the main purpose of this thread to archive) anyway, thx for playing...
  8. My trackball in my cabinet is not working in MAME when launched thru launchbox OR bigbox. It makes no sense and was working fine beforehand. The trackball works just fine if I run MAME from my desktop. The X and Y axis can not be read if I am using launchbox when I go into MAME settings from the Tab menu. This has to be something in launchbox...I have no idea any help would be appreciated...
  9. I have Demul and Sega Model 2 running in a cabinet and was wondering of there is a way to use my TT2 spinner (Turbo Twist) to control the steering. The TT2 works in MAME and in SuperModel. I know Demul will take the Joystick input from an xbox 360 controller and from my regular joysticks but I just would like to use the spinner with the little wheel I have. Any one have any insight on this subject? TY
  10. Any suggestions for a mini-pc for a cabinet? More so for Mame, Daphne , Sega Model 3. NOT going to be running xbox or PS etc... I am wondering if some of these mini-pc's can handle FPS for above with onboard graphic or do I need to install a graphics card etc... Thanks Frank
  11. Any suggestions on what setup to run for launchbox (computer-wise). I can run a mobo with no case and place whatever components I need inside, I guess. I been spending a lot of time on the front-end setup but am just starting to think about the hardware now.
  12. Thanks, I didnt realize that!
  13. Hi I am going to start making my first build in the near future and was wondering if I can get some input on what computer to run it. I like the Raspberry Pi 4 but I do not know much about it except that it is very tiny and a lot of people use it. I just dont know how good it works and I want to have the following emulators running in my Launchbox-BigBox set up and that is what I want to run in the cabinet. MAME SuperModel Daphne I am not really worried about MAME but not sure if the Rasperry Pi will run Daphne and Supermodel and still get the proper FPS to enjoy playing the games. Does the Pi have enough RAM and CPU to do it. I am assuming it does but I just dont know. My PC runs it all no prob but I also have a gaming RIG so it is not a good comparison. Anyway, any thoughts or advice would be appreciated Frank
  14. The "Parents.xml" file must have been corrupted. I reinstalled another application in a different directory and it booted no problem (I ruled out a bad windows file). Then I copied each folder from the original install directory one by one until the new install would not work. Thats how I found it. I copied a fresh "parents.xml" file to my original directory and got it running again. I have no idea why that would cause it to not start... Thanks for reading Frank
  15. I installed Launchbox yesterday and have been using it with no problems since yesterday. I installed a few emulators and was playing them just fine. I was messing around with changing some paths in the platforms area and next time I went to start LB it crashed. I can not get it to run. Big Box will run but LB will not. I am completely baffled and do not know what to do. This was running just fine and like I said I was just playing around and switching themes, adding videos etc... normal stuff but it did happen immediately after I was changin the platform settings. Is there a log_file somewhere that I could post? If there is I do not know where to look... So far, I have uninstalled, restarted PC, reinstalled to no avail. I repaired a whole bunch of my Microsoft Visulal c++ files. ( I did not remove and reinstall I jus did a repair) I did get something about "kernel32.dll" and coreCRL.dll in the windows management errors Thanks Plz let me know if there is anything else I can post to assist with my problem FV
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