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Posts posted by Friedi1987

  1. Ok I was messing around with this a few more hours to find out the fastest way adding them games is to drag and drop like 10-30 games at once into launchbox and manually setting the correct executable path.

    But I think this might be a bug because it acutally sets the right path to the installer or setup exe, but the relative (wrong one if you have your roms in a alternate dir) to the launch exe.

    Maybe someone could have a look at this.

    I added a snap of a game I dragged and droppen inside launchbox.


    Best regards



  2. Hi folks,

    I came across another issue.

    Last night I tried to import my collection of DOS Games. Those are all in seperate folders. Eg.: Game1 (1993)/Game1/FILESandmaybeSubfolders.

    The entire collection is about 600 games and if I try to import all of them at once Launchbox leads me through the wizard for importing DOS games.

    So far so good. After completing the wizard (It even found the corresponing exes bats and what so ever to each game in the list at the end of the wizard)

    and pressing ok it leaves the wizard and simply remains doing nothing in the standard screen.

    I've waited around 1h but nothing happened.

    So I thought maybe 500 games with that many files might simply have been too much so I imported just like 100 or so.

    And it worked. Games launched, metadata was found .. everything fine.

    Ok so no big deal I thought ..I'll simply import them 100 by 100 and so on ...

    But that would't work. Once I successfully imported the first games to this platform I wasn't able to add more.

    1. If I use the wizard again it will get stuck like if I imported too many at once

    2. If I drag and drop the games to Launchbox screen it adds them, but when I try to launch these games an error message pops up complaining about wrong paths.

    3. Rescanning the directory (After editing platform paths to my rom dir) also adds the roms but when I try to launch the games added this way same error message appears.


    Is there a method to import that amount of DOS games at a time or add them part by part or do I really have to add them one at a time ? (Don't get me wrong I'd do it :D Love Lauchbox and DOS games ... just curious before I start this task :D  )


    Best regards



  3. 18 hours ago, Headrush69 said:

    I don't know the Amstrad platform at all. Any good exclusive games on that platform worth checking out?

    The Amstrad systems were mainly used in European countries, especially Germany, France and Spain.

    There are some exlusive titles but really one a few.

    Main reason for me getting the system up and running was for completeness :D

    3 hours ago, Headrush69 said:

    Strange. I don’t get core options saved in my config files. Maybe there is a setting missing somewhere. Can you post a portion of your override that shows the core option setting for comparison.

    Same here.

    3 hours ago, neil9000 said:

    It does apply, i have different settings for Gameboy than i do for GameBoy Colour for example. As i use different options for each, such as ghosting on the GameBoy and not on the Colour, and different colour pallets depending on GB or GBC. Simply saved as Content Directory Overrides.

    I'll give it another try with gamebox :D Maybe it works for that emu, or as mentioned above maybe I also missed to check some options in retroarch system.

  4. Tried to get the multiple retroarch config solution inspired by your answers and the thread Headrush69 mentioned:

    - First of all I did not have a retroarch-core-option file. This was caused by the option "global core options" in the retroarch settings. Enabling this generates this file.

    - Next I did run one Amstrad CPC game and went to the quick menu. There I adjusted the cpu model to 6128. Then saved the config.

    Now the retroarch-core-options.cfg was created in the retroarch folder.

    Then I moved this file to the retroarch/config/cap32 folder and renamed it to retroarch-cpc-core.cfg

    - I repeated this step for the Amstrad GX4000 except that i adjusted the cpu model to 6128+.

    - Next I copied and renamed the retroarch.cfg one time to retroarch_gx4000.cfg and one to retroarch_cpc.cfg.

    In this file you'll find a line:  core_options_path = ""

    This needs to point to the corresponing core options file (In my case):

    core_options_path = ":\config\cap32\retroarch-cpc-core-options.cfg"

    core_options_path = ":\config\cap32\retroarch-gx4000-core-options.cfg"

    Finally I had to tell launchbox via commandline command to load the corresponding config file.

    -c "retroarch_gx4000.cfg" for the gx4000 platform

    -c "retroarch_cpc.cfg for the cpc platform

    And loooook at thaaaat ... IT WORKS :)


    Seems to be a lot of effort to get 2 systems running inside one retroarch instance but concerning that this situation can happen more often with different emus it might be desirable to someone.


    Thanks for your help and I hope that this miniguide will be useful for others challenging the same prob  ;)




  5. 18 hours ago, Headrush69 said:

    Try duplicating  the core options file and name it to your folder directory name. Edit that file and change the system setting.

    Edit 2: Retroarch options

    Thanks for the reply :) Gonna try it although it sounds tricky to me :D

    I think it is the way you say. As this is a system option a game specific override would help but concerning the amount of games i'd like to avoid that and hoped the content directory override would address this issue.

    9 hours ago, zugswang said:

    Just create 2 x RetroArch setups and point each system to different RA,  much easier.

    Thank you too for the reply.

    Yes that would have been my workaround too.

    Simply hoped there is maybe a command line option or something.

  6. Hey folks,


    I am trying to run both, Amstrad CPC and Amstrad GX4000 files with the cap32 core in Retrocharch.

    Usually I try to use stand alone emus, to avoid esspecially that issue I got now, but the stand alone ones for those platforms do not hava all the features (autostart, some have trouble with fullscreen some have weird gui...)

    Tried Arnold, WinAPE, Caprice Forever, Arnold AE..


    So caprice32 core in retroarch works with both systems and got all I need :) (Autostarting roms, Fullscreen working great, comfortable controls binding etc..)

    However, only one system at a time works p.p

    For GX4000 I have to set the model to 6128+, for the CPC to 6128. No problem so far. Both systems work with their corresponding settings.


    So I assumed saving two configs with content directory override option in retroarch would solve this problem and generate the needed config files in the config directoy of retroarch, but no configs are written...

    The last post in this thread:

    is probably what I need to achieve to get both platforms launched correctly from launchbox.

    But I think I am missing something.

    Anyone has a clue ?


    Best regards,



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