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  1. Glad you like the plugin. It should be possible to add an HTML format that does that. I'll have a look at it as soon as I get more than two minutes to rub together (why-oh-why is real life such a pain?). The new structure means that the output formatting classes are completely independent of each other and can do whatever they need to with the LB data and resources, as demanded by the required output. I may need to look at the file saving code, as it currently assumes one file per list, but it shouldn't be too difficult. Ultimately, I'd like to implement a way of templating an output outside of the plugin itself. So you can specify the grouping to use etc and the template file and it will just slot the data into the template. However, that may be a way off 🙂
  2. The plugin has been updated with more flexible output options. Please see the initial post on page 1 of this thread for details. Thanks GameListExporter_0x0x7.zip
  3. Sorry the plugin didn't work for you. Can you let me know what seems to go wrong please? I'll see if I can solve the problem. Thanks.
  4. Quickly added an option to include the game ID in the generated output. I hope that helps. Good luck with your theme.GameListExporter_0x0x6.zip
  5. Further update to address a bug causing the preview to regenerate multiple times per selection GameListExporter_0x0x5.zip
  6. Minor update to this to add the suggested game count info and an on-screen preview of the output, based on the current selections GameListExporter_0x0x4.zip
  7. This new version can list games by genre, along with year of release and publisher. GameListExporter_0x0x2.zip
  8. There doesn't seem to be any kind of guide for editing LB themes specifically (as opposed to BigBox themes). I found my way around with a lot of trial and error, and faeran has added a good amount of commenting in the files for his Neptune theme on this thread, which helped me work out how to do some specific things. One thing to remember around things like the platform is that the standard LB options are quite powerful around what is and isn't shown in the game details view. Platform is one of the things that can be switched on and off, along with a lot of the other fields. It's on the Visuals/Game Details section of the Options dialog.
  9. Sections such as "Overview" and "Related Games" are defined as TabItems within the GameDetailsView.xaml. Look for the line below to find the start of the "Related Games" tab: <TabItem Header="{Binding RelatedGamesLabel}"> Removing/commenting out the entire <TabItem>...</TabItem> section will take out that tab from the view. The basic game details are contained within the "OverView" TabItem. If all you want to do is prevent the 'Overview' label from appearing, you can set the "Header" attribute to be an empty string, rather than binding to the overview label.
  10. To update this, in case it helps anyone else, I've managed to work out what I was doing wrong in (2), thanks to studying faeran's excellent Neptune theme. In short, I had to change the context I was using to refer to the release date to be 'Game.ReleaseDate'. The TextBlock.Text now looks like: <TextBlock.Text> <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} / {1} ({2:yyyy})"> <Binding Path="Game.Publisher" /> <Binding Path="Game.Developer" /> <Binding Path="Game.ReleaseDate" /> </MultiBinding> </TextBlock.Text> which does exactly what I was aiming to do with the year
  11. Thanks very much for replying, C-Beats. For (1) All the resources I can find indicate that it's only possible to compare to a literal or system value in a DataTrigger, unless you use a converter. This stackoverflow item describes exactly what I'm seeing when I try. Time to read up on how to use a converter and find out if there is something within LB I can use for that, as you mention... I've tried multiple ways of setting the string format for (2), within the multi-binding StringFormat param and extracting to a standalone TextBlock to just have a single value to format. However, the resulting value is always the full date ('dd/mm/yyyy' in my case). I feel sure I'm missing something obvious, or making a simple error in my thinking, so any and all advice is welcome <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" FontFamily="{Binding SmallFontFamily}" FontSize="{Binding SmallFontSize}" FontWeight="Bold" FontStyle="{Binding SmallFontStyle}" TextAlignment="Center"> <TextBlock.Text> <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} / {1} ({2:yyyy})"> <Binding Path="Publisher.Value" /> <Binding Path="Developer.Value" /> <Binding Path="ReleaseDate.Value" /> </MultiBinding> </TextBlock.Text> </TextBlock> <TextBlock Text="{Binding ReleaseDate.Value, StringFormat='{}{0:yyyy}'}" /> Thanks again
  12. Hello all, I'm playing around with tweaking the game details view in the default LB theme, but I think that some some of the things I would like to do aren't possible in pure XAML. However, I'd appreciate any advice if I'm wrong. I've currently got the top of the game details view looking like this, and have 2 questions: 1. I'm currently displaying the publisher and developer in a TextBlock with a MultiBinding but would like to only show one of the values if they are identical, as they are for Battle Chess here. <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" FontFamily="{Binding SmallFontFamily}" FontSize="{Binding SmallFontSize}" FontWeight="Bold" FontStyle="{Binding SmallFontStyle}" TextAlignment="Center"> <TextBlock.Text> <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} / {1} ({2})"> <Binding Path="Publisher.Value" /> <Binding Path="Developer.Value" /> <Binding Path="ReleaseDate.Value" /> </MultiBinding> </TextBlock.Text> </TextBlock> I originally thought of having TextBlocks with a trigger that compares the data with another binding, but that doesn't seem to be possible. Am I missing something? 2. I'd like to display just the year portion of the date in the above too (e.g. "(1988)"). I found some threads indicating that it can't be done with the game details settings within LB itself, but is it possible to extract just the YYYY portion of the date in XAML? Or even just show the last 4 characters of the date string? Apologies if these are silly questions, but any and all help is appreciated. Thanks very much, Steve
  13. Glad it's useful for you both. Happy to take suggestions for improvements, if you have any ideas. I've been thinking about dusting off the code and looking at it again.
  14. Hello all, I've made some significant changes to the internals of the plugin. This de-couples the formatting functions from the filtering/selection code, making it much, much easier to have multiple formats available for the list output and I've created a handful of simple formats to demonstrate. They can definitely be improved on, so all suggestions are welcome. The plugin code is now significantly more complex than before, so my limited testing may be exposed. Please let me know of any bugs or problems you encounter and I'll endeavour to fix them. Plugin file: GameListExporter_0x0x7.zip Installation: Just place GameListExporter.dll in the Launchbox Plugins sub-directory Usage: Select 'Game List Exporter' from the Tools menu in LB and a window will appear allowing you to choose between platforms, genres, year of release and publishers as a basis for your exported list. Selecting a group option will display values you have in your database for that field. Check the ones you want to include in the export file. You can choose from a number of available output formats that can be previewed in real-time in both text and HTML (where applicable) views. Once platforms and layout are selected, hit 'Generate Export List' and you'll be prompted for where to save the resulting export file -- and that's it.
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