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8-Bit Processor (3/7)




Community Answers

  1. I've consolidated my ROM files into your file structure. Very tidy. Thank you. After moving however, I'm getting the error message "The ROM file you've specified does not exist." When I open Retroarch or mupen64, the game runs fine. What do I need to change?
  2. My grandsons went to play some games in Big Box and pressed some button and instead of the Banner Theme a screen with Favorites and Recent games came up. I have no idea how they did it and I'd like to know what they did so I know how to get back to that screen.
  3. Here's the Emulator Details also
  4. I've got all my laser disk games setup in their folders and the batchfile made. They all run from the DaphneLoader just fine. I made my platform and installed Daphne and set the emulator to look for the batch file. The strange thing is all of the games hang on exit and I have to start the Program Manager to stop them. Also, when I click a game to start it in Launchbox, it only starts Astron Belt. Any suggestions? Launchbox_Loader.bat daphne_log.txt
  5. My frustration is blinding me. Thank you for the help.
  6. Remove quotes was the problem! On my arcade machine, I have a sidebar for the games. It doesn't show on the desktop in my office. I really like it and don't know where to go to turn it on.
  7. It was checked but unchecking it did not seem to help. As a general rule, should the Extract ROM's boxes be unchecked for all Retroarch cores?
  8. I stumbled onto the MAME problem. As slick as it is, the import complete sets option does not offer the same options as the manual import as far as what would you like to do with the rom location. I use my desktop computer for downloading and storage. Anything I want to add to my arcade machine I do with a portable drive. Apparently the automatic option does not copy the roms into the arcade file folder. I realized this when I reconnected the portable drive and MAME started working fine. I deleted everything and used the manual import, making a point of adding a folder for my roms inside of arcade using the name MAME 0.273 roms (merged). When prompted to install the MAME emulator I did likewise creating a folder named MAME 0.273. Now 6 months from now when I can't remember what I installed the correct sets will be easy to identify. I still can't figure out why Retroarch using the snes9x core won't run my snes games. They run fine on my desktop using the same core and rom files in the same folders. There must be some import/setup problem that I can't figure out. Any suggestions on Retroarch would be appreciated.
  9. I've loaded LaunchBox 13.18 and in doing so I've caused myself some problems. Several of the emulators stopped working. My two remaining problems are MAME 0.273 and SNES I used the full set import feature with a new ).773 romset and installed MAME with the loader. Great help to import and load but the games don't load. When I run MAME outside of Launchbox it works fine. I would like to use Retroarch for SNES with a snes9x core. like above, it doesn't load the game in launchbox but will outside of launchbox if you right click and open Retroarch. Any suggestions?
  10. I found the problem with Dolphin from the link you gave me. It appears that I was missing a C++ Distro. Thanks for the help.
  11. No. I checked and there's not another install of snes9x. I did download and install the Visual C++ distributable. Honestly, I'm at a point that I'd rather use the snes9x core in retroarch. I can use both arcade buttons/joystick and an 8bitdo snes-style controller without having to reconfigure. However, it doesn't start either. It seems like there's something connected with these problems
  12. Well, It worked briefly. If I go to MAME and reset the ROM location, games will play in MAME without LaunchBox
  13. Yes. Dolphin runs fine as a standalone.
  14. I'm getting this error when starting Dolphin. Any idea what isn't loaded?
  15. I spent the day downloading a new 0.273 romset. I imported the complete set and launchbox downloaded MAME 0.273. I didn't realize how out of date I was.
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