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Everything posted by commandernojj

  1. Hello I'm loading up my library and mostly trying to let the launchbox DB scrape my metadata but I've been using skraper data I've already loaded on my micro SD card to fill in gaps of metadata that the launchbox DB just doesn't have. The only annoyance for this is having to reselect the path to my media folder each time I'm filling in missing metadata. An example where this is not so fun, I imported my entire Neo Geo MVS library. Every game seems to have associated properly with the launchbox DB, but the only metadata that's available for this platform seems to be the videos. I'm having to manually import box art and clear logo image for every single title. What I'd like is for a way to point to the media folder on each platform that I'd like to use in conjunction so that when I'm in a platform working on metadata additions after scraping through launchbox DB, I don't have to navigate through my entire SD card directory paths for every single piece of metadata. I hope I explained this out well enough, it's generally a minor annoyance in the grand scheme but this would be a welcome addition.
  2. Hello, I've been running into issues with the launchbox DB not pulling 1:1 in the android interface. Mostly this applies to rom hacks, the games won't pull in all the media that's on the DB page for that specific game so i've had to go in and manually import the media myself and apply them to each rom hack. Any idea what might be causing this? I've also come across a few games that are in the DB but aren't being pulled into the android app using the metadata matching the DB entry. 2 examples would be Kirby's Halloween adventure for NES and Final Fantasy 6: Return of the dark sorcerer for SNES (this one is listed as Return of the dark sorcerer in the DB but I've already submitted a change request on that one). Is there something about the way these rom hacks are keyed into the database that is preventing the android app from seeing them? edit: interestingly I was able to get these 2 to match this evening, possibly was just an issue with the db last night?
  3. Question @Jason Carr, is it intentional that entries with the word "The" as the first word in the title for them to be sorted in the T letter section? My super nintendo Library is sorting them this way, I'll have to check the other libraries later on tonight to see if I'm seeing the same.
  4. Well I'm happy to say after updating to the newest version pushed out I can't replicate the problem any longer, it was probably related to one of the fixed bugs. I even went and cleared out one of my systems that has quite a few games that won't match automatically and went and manually matched them all, first try each time. Good stuff! Super happy with the performance.
  5. Sure, I need to find out how to screen record off of the Odin as it would be easier to report things. When you long press on a game that hasn't had a metadata match yet and hit edit metadata. Generally I'll first change the title to something that I believe the database will recognize, then I hit Launchbox Game Database under the search section and then hit search. It'll come up with a no results were found message, and if I back out of that screen and run that search a 2nd time if I have the title correct a match will come up instead of the no results message.
  6. New version is working great, seems to fix that bug I reported. Another consistent bug I'm noticing when doing a manual metadata search against the launchbox database, I have to run the search twice, the first time it always fails, second time it finds the game (unless it's just not there)
  7. no problem, keep up the great work!
  8. Right but are you using the latest beta version that came out? Version 1.2-beta-2
  9. @vadimbz are you using the beta version with custom themes?
  10. @Jason Carr loving the beta update. I'm running into a bug that I can replicate 100%, if you're scrolling down a list of your games and you pass a game on the list that doesn't have a video associated (possibly metadata as well, it's an unmatched game) the video player will stop working completely until I hard restart the app. I have tested this out between box grid and unified themes and I can only replicate it through the unified lite theme, this does not seem to affect boxgrid. I think this might be related to @Vader's issue above. I will say once I trigger the issue in unify lite and switch over to boxgrid the bug does carry over. All clears up after an app restart though. EDIT: This exact behavior also happens in the wheel with details view, I got the app to crash when I triggered in this view. EDIT 2: I think this triggers the launchbox database search to not work either when trying to match metadata. There's a recent thread on this issue and I believe it's all related EDIT 3: OK just going through to expand this is happening on games that were never database matched so they're missing all the metadata. I've been going through and associating those games using the boxgrid view and then once I have them all fixed I switch back to whichever view I want.
  11. Hello all, I've been setting up launchbox to run on my Ayn Odin and I'm so far enjoying it, a few wishlist items I'd like to get out in the open that I think will really enhance the app and make it a must have: button remaping, it would be nice to be able to swap the confirm and cancel buttons enhanced search functionality, currently searching uses a standard android pop up to type in a name, it would be awesome if we were given the alphabet at a button press and could select a letter to immediately jump to that section with the controller. Someone mentioned it before but sections for custom stuff like MSU1 and rom hacks would be great in the future. allowing secondary filters on certain systems, for example I’d only like to activate the feature on my arcade section rather than the entire set of systems. I know this is all work in progress and in the early stages but out of all the frontend options available I believe this one will be the most user friendly, and feature rich, rivaling the frontends most of the linux handhelds use like emulation station and retropi.
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