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I've re-wrote this a few times now trying to not come of a jerk. But, I don't know how to express what I'm feeling about this tbh. So your saying just because I'm on a ExFAT partition, or drive I can't use LB to it's fullest because it can't extract a "images" folder to another folder? All the other folders, files gets placed, and, or linked to correctly except the "images" folder. So your saying because it's ExFat you can't fix it to extract 1 folder correctly to the correct place? If I can manually copy the folder files via explorer or DOS to the right place then there's no reason regardless of partition type that you can't make this app do the same surely? ALL External Drives 2TB and upwards now come as ExFAT as standard. This is best as multiple OS's can read/write to this type of partition type So, to be-able to purchase this program to be-able to use it correctly I have to A.) Risk loosing a 5TB drive full of data to convert it to NTFS, or B:) Buy another drive to format that then copy this drive's contents to that one? I really don't find this a suitable answer, or reason as to why just because it's ExFAT I can't use LB correctly all because of 1 image folder not being linked, or extracted correctly. Everyone buying a drive today right now will have it shipped as ExFAT and not NTFS
I've tested this out today on 5 x 5TB external drives. So this is a real bug with LaunchBox and EXFat Partitions and drives. It started off with the "LaunchBox" folder being inside several other sub-directories and worked fine as it should incl all themes for the basic version. However, To make my folders go at the top I do what I always do and wrap them either in "[ ]" or "[# launchbox #]" On launching i get several errors about path issues mainly from .XML files cannot be found, and the custom themes stop working an default back to normal. I remove the special chars in the path names and everything works fine again... Now here's where things get really bizarre. I have 2 identical 5TB drives external. 1 of them is EXFat 1 of them is NTFS The NTFS drive when right click shows the "Security" tab while the EXFat doesn't Both drives on the ROOT of the drive F: Retro and K: Retro have the same copied and pasted "LaunchBox" The one on the NTFS partition shows the custom themes no problem. However, the one on the EXFAT drive throws up so many errors. NONE of the custom themes extract on the EXFat drive the following, but they do perfectly fine on the NTFS drive. F:\[LaunchBox\Core\LBThemes\Nosh On This Twice LB Black\Images\platformfiltertext-bg.jpg <--- this folder never shows up as the error states inside launchbox. K:\[LaunchBox\Core\LBThemes\Nosh On This Twice LB Black\Images <--- this folder on the NTFS drive/partition shows up and the theme shows fine. Now this isn't an issue with the Nosh theme I've tried all 11 custom themes, all have the same error on the external drive that is EXFat Whatever this is and populates with "Core\LBThemes\[Theme Name Here]\Images\" <--- this folder doesn't ever show up in this location on EXFAT drives. On 90% of the other themes it breaks the GUI that bad you cannot even see the drop down menu to go to settings, so you have to edit the XML to put the theme back to using default to even get the program to open again. I cannot provide screenshots of the error due to being so many white boxes popping up with all kinds of errors in on top of each other, But I can tell you the first line says it cannot find part of the path F:\[LaunchBox\Core\LBThemes\Nosh On This Twice LB Black\Images\platformfiltertext-bg.jpg And once again, this identical copy/paste to the NTFS drives this has no problems at all.
Awesome! Thank you for all the help and assistance that alone was worth the money Got everything setup and working now. Had a hell of a time with boxart now showing for neogeo on some games, but decided to search for the meta name it found similar names then was able to download 1 by 1 all the missing covers. One hell of a program this launchbox very impressed. Also just as impressed with the level of support and replies back within a few hours. Quick License question, say I did the year license and kept this up once a user hits the threshold they've paid out that equiv's the lifetime do you then get lifetime? Or, don't you accumulate?
Ah, I was using right click to find the change rom paths... It's in the three little --- drop down. Cheers. The program, and help support is fantastic well worth 20-50 bucks of anyone's money. Soon, as I get this all setup and back'd up you'll have my dollars. Once I purchase year/lifetime do I need to re-do all this again with another version? Or will it just use a license to unlock premium etc? I'd rather not spend the day setting up everything to then buy this program/support package to find out i have to re-do it all over. Cheers mate.
Hey Neil, found my issue it was the, or is the "ROM" Paths after i changed the interface category from Arcade to Capcom Play System 1 It's changed all the items from arcade to the correct folder however, it's not changed the ROM path folder it's still looking for all the games in "Games" How would I go about batch editing the path in this picture from D:\LaunchBox\Games\Arcade to D:\LaunchBox\Games\Capcom Play System 1 As for you explaining it twice, remember you've used this and probably lived and breathed it for years, I'm new to it.. That White space under the platforms is very easy missed when you don't have a clue how it all works yet. I had no idea you could edit/input anything in that white space. There's no indication saying [Type your System here] as a placeholder or anything. I'm exactly what it says on the tin a newbie to this certain application, so I'm not supposed to know the tricks, ins and outs like you obviously do looking at your current setup and being a MOD here,or developer. I'm making sure this does what I need it to do, and if it does then you will be getting my paid subscription as it's worth it then. I give you videos purely so you could see what is what without walls of misconstrued text. I was hoping for visuals back from Post 1, or even a video back how to do it, throwing walls of text on something someone's never used, or seen before they are going to get things mixed up.
Correct. When it's named RetroArch (Changing this title just stops everything working) the problem is there's no default cores for CPS1,2,3 items. There's no way to choose anything to do with CPS1,2,3? fbalpha2012_cps1_libretro.dll fbalpha2012_cps2_libretro.dll fbalpha2012_cps3_libretro.dll These cores work perfectly in Android/Windows RetroArch without the front-end launching them they was designed and built specifically for the CPS1,2,3 Here's what you get for cores when left as just "RetroArch" there's nothing to choose from to pick from? If I edit say the closest would be NeoGeo and select fbalpha2012_cps1_libretro.dll then it's not going to launch CPS systems with that core just neogeo. And if you left it without any editing of systems nothing will launch since there's nothing defined for these 3 system boards. Also, if you cannot edit the "title" of the "RetroArch" and you have say 20 systems using retroarch that's going to be 20 "RetroArch" titles all identical in the list how do you know which one is for each if you cannot title them uniquely? and what do i pick for cps.mp4
Hey! I appreciate the fast reply wow! I've done a video to show you it's easier this way. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong. If I know the issues then I can fix it for this system and then 2,3, and why isn't CapCom Play Systems 1,2,3 in the system platforms as default I mean you have every other single platform listed NEOGeo MVS EAS even systems dating back to the stone ages, but seriously no pre-defined CPS1,2,3 they are the best systems/games ever. what am i doing wrong.mp4
Looking at this program and seeing BigBox, I'm no doubt going to get this amazing app and support you guys But, first I need to see I can use this front-end just like DigDroid on the Android phone. I'm a little lost when it comes to setting up how to use the following 3 cores when it comes to CPS emulation via LaunchBox? I don't want to use the default settings on MAME I would like to use the same setup as my DIGDroid, sadly it seems the only drop down options is "Arcade" which will merge my CPS1,2,3 with my MAME which I really want to avoid. I would like each CPS1,2,3 in it's own category on the left, and hopefully in bigbox when I come to purchase it all. A walk through on this would be more than appreciated. These are the 3 cores i would like to setup for each system. fbalpha2012_cps1_libretro.dll fbalpha2012_cps2_libretro.dll fbalpha2012_cps3_libretro.dll I tried going to add emulator and just changing the title name to CPS1, however it seems them drop downs are per-configured per system, so it has options for them per-configured systems still. There must be a way to add in a "Custom" drop down System and configure that to how I would like it to be per system for CPS1,2,3 surely? Not new to emulation, or RetroArch at all, but I am very new to LaunchBox...