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Everything posted by ZoneArc

  1. Is there a way that when a user selects to start a game you can do both of the below each time: 1. Execute a 2nd application (prior to the game starting) 2. Execute a batch file (or similar) that terminates the name of the 2nd application More detail: What I want to avoid is: ALt+F4 or any other hack that could accidentally terminate the wrong application like Launchbox. It may not be consistent what is at the foreground when executing the command. What I want is: A consistent way to terminate the named executable that I started prior to starting the ROM. For example, if I exit the game can I run a batch file like: @echo cls taskkill /IM SampleApp.exe /T /F -------- I see there's a scripting engine built in to Launchbox, I assume it's intended for this purpose?
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