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Everything posted by Hedgecore024

  1. Current version of PCSX2 now has lightgun support. Easy-Peazy setup, including calibration. RIP Nuvee.
  2. This is awesome, thanks for the tip. Been using BB for over a year now, and manually changing them.
  3. Thanks for the tutorial, worked like a charm. The replace…all opened docs” worked as well. Made the whole process even easier. Thanks again.
  4. I don’t know if any of you fixed this, but this may help someone else in the future. I had the same problem with LB opening Startup Screens on wrong monitor. I tried all kinds of fixes and options, but to make long story short, I eventually opened Big Box and it opened on wrong monitor as well. I went into BB general options and found that my display that was identified as #2 in Windows’ Display Settings was identified as display #1 by BB. As soon as I switched over to display #2 in BB options (Display #1 in Windows’ Display Settings), both my LB Startup Screens and BB opened on the monitor they were supposed to. I’m guessing that because Windows’ “display #2” was my original single monitor display for LB/ BB, when I added the 2nd monitor that became Windows “display #1”, LB/BB did not sync w/ Windows Display Settings and just added that monitor as a 2nd display thereby creating a glitch in the matrix. I hope this makes sense and helps someone.
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