I'm finally starting to get my stuff together and put together a Big Box system. I bought the premium LB and Emu Movies. Just about everything is going great (well, some exceptions like Daphne and ScummVM...but that's for another day).
I have NES (messen) , SNES (snes9x) , Sega Master system, Genesis, 32x, CD (kega fusion) all working mostly great.
I have the
8bitdo bluetooth NES/SNES controller (2)
the retrobit sega controller (2)
I configure each of the emulators with the respective controllers. Everything works great.....until....if a controller sleeps or window is rebooted the controller mappings are all messed up. Even if I start an emulator with all 4 controllers on, then some sleep, and then I restart a different emulator, mapping are messed up.
Basically, every time I want to play a game, it seems I have to remap the controllers.
Pretty sure this is a windows problem as it seems the controller names change in the settings each time I look.
Any thoughts?
Thank you in advance!!