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Everything posted by HomerJ

  1. This does not seem to work. https://github.com/briankendall/devreorder Changing the order in devreorder.ini does nothing. Fusion (for example) lust sees the order that joy.cpl is reporting. Grrrr....this is very frustrating
  2. I'm finally starting to get my stuff together and put together a Big Box system. I bought the premium LB and Emu Movies. Just about everything is going great (well, some exceptions like Daphne and ScummVM...but that's for another day). I have NES (messen) , SNES (snes9x) , Sega Master system, Genesis, 32x, CD (kega fusion) all working mostly great. However...... I have the 8bitdo bluetooth NES/SNES controller (2) the retrobit sega controller (2) I configure each of the emulators with the respective controllers. Everything works great.....until....if a controller sleeps or window is rebooted the controller mappings are all messed up. Even if I start an emulator with all 4 controllers on, then some sleep, and then I restart a different emulator, mapping are messed up. Basically, every time I want to play a game, it seems I have to remap the controllers. Pretty sure this is a windows problem as it seems the controller names change in the settings each time I look. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance!!
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