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Posts posted by Benjc

  1. Yes, you can use Reshade but it’s not as straightforward as usual. Most seem to recommend using Xenos to ‘inject’ Reshade into LM… however this actually turned out to be the cause of my no textures issues also.

    Basically, I wrote a BAT file to tell Xenos what to inject and LB would run this before the game started. However, when LB ran this BAT file right before the game I found there were no textures in the game. Without it, textures appeared. It seems you need an artificial delay after executing Xenos and before the game starts, so adding a timeout (1 second worked for me) into the BAT file solved the issue for me; lightguns and border are now initialized, the game runs and there’s textures.

    Hope this helps someone- happy to clarify any of the above is anyone is confused :)

  2. Yes, that sorts it alright 😊

    I can also see that when I Download and Replace All Media (via Tools -> Download -> Update Metadata…) the image from the failed import is not deleted for some reason (all other associated images are removed). So there’s a weird mismatch in that LB sees and attempts to use the broken media in general but does not see/ attempt to delete it when running Update Metadata… 😕

    Is this worth looking into do you think? I’m sorted now but this could equally confuse others in the future.

    Thanks for the help anyway!

  3. I’ve recently come across this error, having had my PC unceremoniously blue screen itself midway through a sizeable ROM import.

    Whilst the solution of reimporting a game’s media works, sadly it’s not so simple when you have widespread media corruption over many games.

    It seems the only fix is to manually edit every single affected game one by one, removing all images and then downloading them again.

    Curiously, any multi-file tools (which would greatly simplify things) do not fix this. Tools -> Download -> Update Metadata and Media for Selected Games doesn’t resolve the issue (even with Yes, Download and Replace All Existing Metadata and Media enabled). Likewise, re-importing the affected ROMs does not fix the problem either (even after deleting the previous corrupted media version of the games).

    I wonder if the multi-file media downloaders mentioned above are not removing or clearing the cache for the previous files somehow (i.e. not doing what Remove All Images in Edit Game -> Media -> Images does)?

    I really hope this can be resolved otherwise it’s going to be a very long and tedious year for me :(

  4. Okay, after further digging I found my games ROM file location as shown in LB is the Games\MAME subfolder of my LB folder. This is not where my ROMs are kept. Even stranger, there's nothing in that folder at all!

    Changing the path to where Golden Axe actually is unsurprisingly made RA work. Yes, this is a solution but it's not a good one- I can't fathom manually repointing every game's file location by hand so RA works.

    I'm wondering if my import is screwy somehow, I mean, how does LB even manage to load these games from this magical empty folder? Is this normal? I'm starting to think I'll have to reimport all the games again...

  5. Okay, I'll seek out the relevant romset then👍

    I have only one copy of goldnaxe.zip on my system so yeah, it's really really weird and confusing that it works direct from RA. I guess I was just hoping there might be something obvious I'd missed here without requiring me to download afresh and, if previous romset changeovers are anything to go by, lose all my high scores (but, hey, that's a whole other thing).

  6. I've for some time had Launchbox running my MAME library via MAME. Now I'm trying to switch over to running these same games through RetroArch.

    So, firstly I tried running Golden Axe purely from RA (added just that one game into my MAME playlist) and that's working.

    Then, over in LB, I switched the emulator to RA. RA has an associated platform of MAME which has a core of fbneo_libretro. Likewise, Golden Axe has its platform set as MAME.

    Now, when I launch the game from LB, I get a "This romset is known but roms doesn't match the emulator" error from RA. 😕

    From what I've read this error can be caused by fbneo not having the correct romset but if this really is the issue then why does the same file for Golden Axe run perfectly well directly from RA (also using the fbneo_libretro core)?

    Any suggestions welcomed as I'm mystified as to what I've missed here.

  7. 11 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    The emulator list is just some common ones and not a exhaustive list. As for the "error" that is not a error, it is simply saying that you need to tell Launchbox what platform the emulator is going to be used for, and you need to type that platform name into the "Associated Platform" tab that is on the same window you are currently on.

    Ah... okay, cheers for that! I guess I'm just used to LB having everything already set up and it threw me when it wasn't for once (I hadn't realised TeknoParrot was such a rarely added emulator)

    I'd still argue that message is not at all helpful given you have to switch to an entirely different tab to access the grid. By describing it as 'the grid' one would expect said grid to be actually visible at the point the message occurs. Perhaps saying '... the Associated Platforms grid' might clarify things a little. Sorry to be nit-picky :)

  8. I must be missing something incredibly obvious here but TeknoParrot seems to be the first emulator I've found that isn't pre-populated in the Emulator Name drop-down when trying to add the emulator on my LB. Ignoring that and trying to add it regardless brings up the error 'Please enter at least one applicable platform in the grid'. This isn't particularly helpful as there is no grid on that dialog anywhere :/

    I guess I have two questions here (the first the main issue, the second just curious):

    1. What am I doing wrong in trying to add this emulator?

    2. Why isn't TeknoParrot available in the Emulator Name drop-down on the Add Emulator dialog already?

  9. 26 minutes ago, Huntsmiester said:

    The new version of theme creator you are ale to create a video transition to a static image and many other other elements.  Here's an rough example I created for my cabinet marquee screen. 

    I look forward to playing with it more in the coming days.

    Is this just transitions in terms of animating images in one marquee (as you show) or can it also transition (e.g. fade) from one game’s marquee to the next when you’re navigating between games?

  10. 39 minutes ago, Retro808 said:

    Never messed with Hyperspin so not sure on what you mean exactly. If you mean something like a smooth fade onto screen and fade off that is already possible with theme coding. Not really a feature a lot of users have requested to have as a stock setting to tick. 

    Ah… okay, I didn’t realise this had to be coded into a theme for anything beyond a straightforward marquee image swap. Will take a look into that- thanks🙂

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  11. 57 minutes ago, Retro808 said:

    Yes, the images should quickly change with no noticeable flicker or lag. If the images quickly switched to the next one for you then you had no issues.

    Ah okay, I think I’m just misunderstanding ’transition’ then- I assumed this meant some kind of smooth, animated change from one marquee to the next like HyperMarquee offered back on Hyperspin. Hopefully, this’ll come to BigBox one day 🙂

  12. Thanks for the reply. I guess I’m confused why I’ve never had transitions in that case; one marquee image just quickly switches to another 🤔 Is there meant to be some smooth animation from one to another that simply happens by default?

  13. Just seen in the LaunchBox 12.7 updates email that marquee transitions are now smoother. This came as a surprise to me as I didn’t even know there *were* marquee transitions in LaunchBox/BigBox, despite having used marquees for about a year now.

    Does anyone know anything about this and how to enable it? I’ve googled the interwebs and there seems to be no mention of marquee transitions. The only reference to it is just this throwaway mention of it in the LaunchBox email :(

  14. As Retro808 said, the license is straightforward (although that isn't actually something you need to worry about in order to get Launchbox working with your games).

    It sounds like you might be in a similar situation to me (moving from Hyperspin on a game cabinet pre-built by a third party company) so I thought I'd suggest what worked for me in case that helps.

    Personally, I found the following video very helpful:

    ...BUT it does assume your current setup is using something called RocketLauncher (which, as I understand it, there's a good chance it is). Maybe do a quick search on Windows for RocketLauncher to verify (and if so, note the location so you can follow the above tutorial).

    Beyond this I can't help much (I'm a relative newbie too) I'm afraid :/

  15. 7 minutes ago, C-Beats said:

    W00t! Yeah. I've seen that cause issues with some frameworks and back ends. They all assume that monitors go left to right from 1-N. I didn't think any of our dependencies did that but was worth trying. I left myself a note to look into the possible cause of that. Thanks for bearing with me and testing everything. Helps a lot.

    Ah, that makes some kind of sense now. Hoping some fix can be made for this to avoid others going through this but glad to have helped and, of course, grateful for your persistence getting my marquee going!?

  16. 11 minutes ago, C-Beats said:

    @Benjc Could you try a non text view and let me know if that corrects your issue? I don't believe the way the marquee view is written right now that it will work properly in text views. We have made some changes to that system internally but they aren't in any public release yet unfortunately. That being said it should appear blank (forcing a black screen) when set up properly, and it doesn't even appear you are seeing that. Will you test the non-text views for me and see if see any changes, and also PM me your BigBoxSettings.xml (located in \\LaunchBox\Data])? I'd like to take a look and make sure there aren't any settings that may be negatively impacting your ability to see the marquee.

    With the wheel still no marquee. Have PMed the file, thanks!

  17. 5 minutes ago, Retro808 said:

    I did not think it would, but at least we confirmed. Yeah, it looks like BB is not even seeing the screen is there as usually the marquee would be black if nothing was showing an cover that lovely color you used.

    What model is that marquee screen?

    It’s one I bought from China so not a brand name. Here’s a link in case it’s any help: https://m.aliexpress.com/item/1005001659262454.html

  18. 35 minutes ago, Retro808 said:

    @Benjc can you try this xaml. 

    Just place it in the CoinOps themes \Views folder and see if anything shows up. This is just edited to work with cut screen that some users had the marquee image showing cut off.

    Can you share a pic of what your screens look like when in a BigBox theme before testing this xaml?

    GameMarqueeView.xaml 1.24 kB · 1 download

    Adding that file hasn’t changed anything unfortunately :(

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