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Everything posted by joamjoamjoam

  1. big box has a button combination for closing a window using a controller using the controller automation settings. you could use an auto hotkey script to map the Esc to alt-f4 that Big box sends when you select quit game on the pause screen.
  2. I made a plugin that allows you to specify the TDP limit used on Ryzen based handhelds when launching/returning from games. With more and more handheld devices popping up I though it was nice to be able to set the optimal TDP for game automatically using Launchbox. Using Bigbox on devices like the aya neo and steam deck would be a good windows alternative to steam OS 3. The plugin also allows Launchbox to monitor and attach to games launched via steam URLs (EPIC and other stores are planned) so that the typical Launchbox Game Events fire at the right time. No more GameExited events immediately after launching a game. Hopefully in the future these TDP levels can be saved in the Launchbox Database instead of as a custom field so the community can share optimal TDP levels. Note: This is an alpha product as I do not have my Aya Neo, estimated Oct. 30, to test it yet, but the RyzenAdj application used to set the TDPs is mature and used by many other applications and people so it should be rock solid. https://github.com/joamjoamjoam/RyzenTDPChanger If you get a chance to give it a try, especially if you have complaints, please post them below.
  3. I'm running into an issue where Launchbox is trying to read some DLLs from a subfolder of my plugin project as new plugins causing Launchbox to freeze when starting up. Can i hide these DLLs so launchbox ignores them? Plugins -- My Plugin ----plugin.dll ------- RyzenAdj ------------ Ryzenadj.dll (Causes Launchbox to not open if present)
  4. I am having the same issue when launching a game using a steam url. When I use the actual exe file for the game instead it works as expected. 1. Change game from steam url to exe path. 2. add before additional app to start x360ce.exe 3. Add after additional app to taskkill x360ce.exe.
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