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Eyebrows Cat

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16-Bit Artificial Intelligence

16-Bit Artificial Intelligence (4/7)




Community Answers

  1. I'm glad I was able to solve your problem too.
  2. Got it! Thank you
  3. Confirmation I received the following reply regarding changing the registered name of the license. >You can email support@unbrokensfotware.com for any license change requests. The destination address says "unbrokensfotware." Is this a mistake for "unbrokensoftware"? Is it correct to say "sfotware" instead of "unbrokensoftware"?
  4. I appreciate your reply. Thank you.
  5. I did not expect that the license name I registered would be displayed on the screen as it was, so I registered with my real name. Is it possible to change the license name to a nickname?
  6. 私の環境でも同じ現象が発生しています。 プラットフォーム名を変換するとメタデータが消滅してしまう事もあります。 その場合プラットフォームを正確に指定しても各ゲームのようにメタデータやイメージを再ダウンロードする事ができないケースがあります。 <The above text was translated into English using Google Translate.> The same phenomenon is occurring in my environment. When converting the platform name, metadata may disappear. In that case, even if you specify the platform correctly, you may not be able to re-download metadata or images like you can with individual games.
  7. Please try using the app "Package Name Viewer" (Google Play). You will be able to see the package name and activity name. I think it's okay to leave the ROM passkey field blank. The above content will be written in Japanese below. 「Package Name Viewer」というアプリ(GooglePlay)を使用してみてください。 パッケージ名とアクティビティ名がわかります。ROMパスキーは空欄で大丈夫だと思います。
  8. An error occurs when selecting two or more games and running "Update metadata for selected games". However, the problem may not occur depending on the combination of games. At some point, the LaunchBox version has stopped being displayed, but this is occurring in the latest beta version. I will also submit the error log. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Object reference not set to an instance of an object. App: LaunchBox Version: 13.17-beta-4 Theme: Old Default Type: System.NullReferenceException Site: System.Object ReadDrivenReg(System.Object) Source: Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Data.Game.ReadDrivenReg(Object ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Data.Game.CanScrapeSteam(String& steamAppId) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.MenuActions.DownloadMetadataAndMediaMenuAction.OnSelect(Boolean skipWizard) at InterceptorPrototype.InitMetaAdapter(Object , Boolean skipWizard, InterceptorPrototype ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.MenuActions.DownloadMetadataAndMediaMenuAction.OnSelect() at ExporterClass.InitMetaAdapter(Object , ExporterClass ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.MenuActions.DownloadMetadataAndMediaMenuAction.Go(List`1 games) at ClassInfo.InitMetaAdapter(List`1 games, ClassInfo ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.ContextMenus.ToolsMenu.<>c.ReflectBatchState(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs args) at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised) at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args) at System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem.InvokeClickAfterRender(Object arg) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler) Recent Log: 8:09:07 Exception
  9. There was a problem with the logic of some image types, which will be fixed in the future.
  10. その後原因がわかりました。 リージョンを日本に変えた後、そのまま画像をダウンロードすると日本の画像はダウンロードされませんが、リージョンを変えた後に一度OKを押して設定画面を閉じ、もう一度開いてから画像をダウンロードすると正常にダウンロードされるようです。 これは正常な動作なのか不具合なのかこちらではわかりません。 この動作はLaunchboxの正常な動作なのでしょうか?
  11. そうだったんですね。 こちらのスレッドには何の反応もなかったため、気が付いていないものだと思っていました。 問題はMonday at 12:36 PMのポストに記載した通り修正されています。返信ありがとう。
  12. I've been doing some testing since then, but for example, "Valis: The Fantasm Soldier Collection (https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/157488-valis-the-fantasm-soldier-collection)" for Nintendo Switch ① Automatically registers Japanese ROMs. It links to the database at the URL above, and clicking it will take you to the corresponding page in the database. ② Manually set the region to Japan. ③ Download all images. Even with this procedure, the "Front Box (Japan)" image in the database will not be downloaded.
  13. This problem seems to have been fixed without anyone noticing. A system where moderators do not respond to troubleshooting posts and the problem is fixed without anyone noticing lacks sincerity and may lead to distrust in Launchbox management, so I hope they will improve it in the future.
  14. The reasons for requesting "the ability to download all images" are as follows. Example: Even if the region for the Super Nintendo version of "Super Punch-Out" is set to JAPAN, JAPAN fan art is not downloaded. bandicam 2024-10-06 05-51-35-599.mp4
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