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Everything posted by Gef

  1. Hello all, hope everything's fine arount there. So, for sure I'm doing something wrong, but... how I force exit to BB windows games that doesn't support "quit" from their UI? I can assure there are plenty. Maybe can I assign a maco like "alt+f4" to a controller button or anything similar? Regards.
  2. Btw, placing music in the folders that @faeran suggested, helps a bit; music is reproduced during attract mode when the focus is on that system. For sure more entertaining than total silence.
  3. Roger that, sir: jasondavidcarr / LaunchBox / issues / #6419 - Customizable background video and audio playlist during BigBox attract mode. — Bitbucket
  4. Hi all, as in object, is it possible to have any background music during attract mode in BigBox? Regards.
  5. Thanks mate, did this way and now all seems fine.
  6. Yep, selected "installed" on the left nav pane, and of course the "in library but not installed" games from Steam disappear, but I would like to make the simply not show up when showing all games. I mean, my goal is to have a "totally clean" (ahah) container, it makes much sense to have them wandering around like ghosts.
  7. Thanks mate. Quite sure I did tick that (done for other platforms too; GOG Amazon, EPIC). Btw, I'll try to remove and reimport... sigh.
  8. Hi all, newbie here (as is obvious from question itself); any way to fix what's in object? Regards, Gef.
  9. Hi all, I would like to use Steam games in a cabinet using an ipac ultimate i/o encoder, but I have doubt about how to map controls for Steam to use them correctly. Any experience to share or clue/recomendation? Regards.
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