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1-Bit Wonder

1-Bit Wonder (1/7)



  1. MonsterKenny


    I'm trying to generate a Mame.xml to use with Ledblinky, it's basically a mame database file that Ledblinky reads to get information about games. There is a way to get it by CMD but I always get access denied. This is the command line <path>\mame.exe -listxml > mame.xml Any help would be appreciated.
  2. thank you very much, it worked. I have been struggling with this for months!
  3. Hello, i use Keyboard2Xinput for steam games to remap my ipac IO to xbox controls. I am extremely new to AHK and i have no idea how to make a script. What im trying to do is launch Keyboard2Xinput when i launch a game via BigBox and have Keyboard2Xinput close after i quit the game. If anyone would be so kind in helping me out that would be greatly appreciated. I have to manually close Keyboard2Xinput after i quit a game and it defeats the purpose of running it on an arcade set up and just doesnt feel authentic.
  4. Hello, new to making scripts for Launchbox i am trying to launch XArcade Xinput with a few of my games and for the life of me i cannot figure out how to make the scripts work. I found these on a website but they dont go into much detail other than saying that you have to make a .bat and .exe. any help would be appreciated $Esc:: { Process, Close, XArcade_XInput.exe } Escape:: Send !{f4} if WinExist("LaunchBox Game Startup") { WinActivate WinWaitClose, LaunchBox Game Startup } if WinExist("LaunchBox") { WinActivate } if WinExist("LaunchBox Big Box") { WinActivate } ExitApp return @echo off start auto_close_xinput.exe start XArcade_XInput.exe --skip-ui @echo on
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