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Everything posted by Dinomight

  1. It looks like i forgot to upload 1.0.4 it should be there now
  2. Thanks for checking that. I will fix the typo and do state management (My only concern was if the joystick was changed and the plugin being unaware of this change which would mean it wouldn't switch properly. I think know how i want to do it.) I probably won't be able to work on it until this weekend but once i do it should only take a few minutes. I will message you with the latest version once it's done and have you test it before i upload the version to the launchbox download system. Thank you again.
  3. Can you confirm that you were using the latest version of servosticker? This was a confirmed bug in an old version but i believe it was fixed in v1.0.3 would you mind installing the latest version (1.0.4) (https://forums.launchbox-app.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=78467&key=b67bdfecc8be45aa5c52eac2ee875a7f) again to see if it is broken. It would really help me out.
  4. Yes it should be. (are you having trouble with it?)
  5. I'm glad it is working thanks for reporting back
  6. Ok i had a few free minutes so i got another build up try it out and let me know if it is good now. ServoStiker.1.0.4.zip
  7. Ok i will make a change again to the plugin to check to see if any controller is 4-way it will set it to 4 way. the latest update is going to turn all atari to 4 way (I miss understood) I'll get an update posted soon (Might not be today)
  8. new version: let me know if it works for you ServoStiker.1.03.zip
  9. After a change to the last release there is an easy fix for this without having to make a bunch of changes in launchbox. The plugin config file now has a field with a list of 4-way and 8-way controllers. all we have to do is add atari jokstick to the list and blam it will work for all atari joysticks. I'll update the plugin but if you don't want to wait you can make the fix yourself following these steps. 1. open the servosticker config file. This is located in the launchbox plugin folder. the file is called ServoStiker.conf. in this file find the line like this: "4-way-names": "4-Way Joystick,Double 4-Way Joysticks,Half 4-Way Joystick,Double Horizontal Joysticks,Double Vertical JoysticksHorizontal Joystick,Vertical Joystick", Add ",atari joystick" to the list in the quotes the line should read something like this: "4-way-names": "4-Way Joystick,Double 4-Way Joysticks,Half 4-Way Joystick,Double Horizontal Joysticks,Double Vertical JoysticksHorizontal Joystick,Vertical Joystick,Atari Joystick", Save the file and restart launchbox If you have any others controller types you can add them just like that. Out of curiosity, Are there other controller types that i should add by default to the list? I wasn't aware of atari joysticks so i didn't know i should include it.
  10. it appears that my debugging code was left in. grab the new version here. you shouldn't see the popup anymore: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I6NjxIMw74iRXvUYcNV9bJhQAWf1B8Ex/view?usp=sharing Please try it out and reply to this post to let me know if it worked or not ServoStiker.
  11. You shouldn't get a popup.. my add-on has no popup. It should just switch automatically (That's the whole point of the plugin) can you take a screenshot?
  12. Ok give it a go i've update those code and the plugin should now work for multiple controller names. install the new plugin and make sure you use the new updated config file. You can download the new version here : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16O0aN0Uy8dr1-WMjMaJbTizEvw7Wl_Rk/view?usp=sharing ServoStiker.zip Please try it out and let me know if it works for you
  13. Thank you so much for your testing. I didn't know about any of those variants in joystick types. I'll work on finding a better solution for handling multiple types of each configuration. Give me a few days(probably this weekend) and i'll post another version for you to test. would you mind being a guinea pig for testing your setup?
  14. ServoSticker.zip View File ServoStick LauchBox plugin. With this plugin LaunchBox will switch between 4 way and 8 way modes automatically when the game starts and back when. the game is exited. Using the latest metadata the modes are created and selected for you. No need to fiddle with macros, ledblinky or emulator command lines. For more details and support check the forum post Submitter Dinomight Submitted 01/08/2022 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins  
  15. Version 1.0.4


    ServoStick LauchBox plugin. With this plugin LaunchBox will switch between 4 way and 8 way modes automatically when the game starts and back when. the game is exited. Using the latest metadata the modes are created and selected for you. No need to fiddle with macros, ledblinky or emulator command lines. For more details and support check the forum post
  16. That's exactly how it works. with the right controller support marked (I think downloading metadata as above will setup the right controller support) it will switch to 4 way on 4 way games and then revert to 8 way(default) when you exit the game. I'm glad you like the plugin it was fun making it.
  17. Here is a quick tutorial... ServoStiker is a plugin for launchbox that handles automatically switching your servostick to and from 8/4 way modes. Use of the plugin is simple. Once installed it should switch to the appropriate mode before launching your game. To install: download the plugin here download the joytraysetup.exe servostik application from ultimarks website (the link on their site is currently broken so here is another link) Install joytraysetup.exe unzip servostickr.zip and copy ServoStiker.conf and ServoStiker.dll to the plugins directory in the launchbox folder (e.g. c:\launchbox\plugins\ or on my machine C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\launchbox\plugins\) Edit ServoSticker.conf and configure the options (You will most likely not need to change this file). For reference the config file options are here The defaults should be good for most installations but you may need to change them if your installation is different. In launchbox you need to make sure your games are configured for the plugin to work. You may or might not have the latest metadata (game information such as name,thumbnail,boxart,controller config) You can confirm this by editing ms. pack-man or another 4-way or 8-way game Select the controller support Check that the correct controller is selected (8 way or 4 way) If you don't see anything in the controller support you should update the metadata. this is done by selecting a game/games from the launchbox game list right clicking and selecting If after downloading the metadata you still don't see the controller support correctly you will have to manually select the proper controller support from the edit game menu Once all of these steps have been taken the plugin will take over and you should have your servostik switching automatically. Note that you don't need anything else to get it to work. LED blinky is not used. If you have any problems or questions post to the following thread: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/63350-servostik/
  18. This is solely a launchbox plugin. you don't need led blinky for this to work. All you need is the joy2tray.exe installed somewhere and then the path to it configured in the conf file. once all of that is installed in launchbox it should work. Maybe i should create a full tutorial on installing joy2tray, and where to put the plugin and conf file.
  19. I'm not sure how i got it but my DB has games setup as 4/8 way automatically it must have downloaded the metadata (The information about games such as images, descriptions dates other information) when i added the games to launchbox. I'm not sure if there is a way to update that information and get LB to download it but once it is i didn't have to setup anything the configs were all done for me. I just setup launchbox a few months ago so i know it is the latest or close to the latest information. I'm so glad to have someone try it out for me. Thanks
  20. In case you want to contribute here is the github link : https://github.com/Darkmadda/ServoStiker
  21. Test it out https://drive.google.com/file/d/16O0aN0Uy8dr1-WMjMaJbTizEvw7Wl_Rk/view?usp=sharing check the readme because you may want to configure the conf file differently. Note that you will need joytray.exe installed for this to work. Also you will need current metadata. The latest metadata i got has controller support for games so that it knows when to use 4-way and not. I'd love some feedback before i upload a release. My testing has gone wonderfully but i want to be certain my use case is like others.
  22. I just finished a plugin that handles changing a servostik from 4/8 way based on the controller support meta data. You no longer have to setup per game setups for your servo stick. Is anyone here at all interested?
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