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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. Hi Bob, As I said in my original post in Launchbox\videos I have the folder named startup and in this the video which is named startup. I have rolled back to Launchbox 13.15 and everything works. Will probably stick with 13.15 as this seems stable on my Arcade Cab. Thanks for looking.
  2. Upgraded to 13.19 now bigbox startup video does not load. It goes straight to platforms. I have the folder startup in videos with the video file called startup in it. I am using the default theme. Any ideas? This worked fine in 13.15 which i upgraded from
  3. I turned the script into a .exe file, this worked but I had to ok each mouse change. In stead I added a shortcut to my .bat file into the start folder and this now works great. Thanks again for the script.
  4. All works now, as you said it needed to run in powershell. Wrote a bat file to execute this and added this bat file to additional apps in game in launchbox. So all is good. Many thanks for this. Just realized another problem, when i start the game the bat file runs, executes the powershell script, before the game starts but the game starts before the config file is written. The easy way around this is to close and restart the game. Do you know a way to run the bat file (in additional apps) and delay the game start?
  5. Thanks for the reply Hamburglin, I have edited the registry and set the friendly names as mouseGUN1 and mouseGUN2. Will try it through powershell and let you know how i get on. Mis read your original post which is why i saved it as a bat file. Thanks for the help
  6. Tried this, ran the script as a bat file but does not change the gun mappings. Can you check i have the script correct. Set-Location -Path "C:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Model3\Config" #Get-Location #Find gun1's mouse index $inputs = & "C:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Model3\Supermodel.exe" -print-inputs $gun1info = ($inputs | Select-String "mouseGUN1").Line $gun1index = $gun1info.Substring(1,1) $gun1formatted = "MOUSE" + $gun1index Write-Output $gun1formatted #Find gun2's mouse index $inputs = & "C:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Model3\Supermodel.exe" -print-inputs $gun2info = ($inputs | Select-String "mouseGUN2").Line $gun2index = $gun2info.Substring(1,1) $gun2formatted = "MOUSE" + $gun2index Write-Output $gun2formatted #Read in Supermodel.ini $content = Get-Content -Path "C:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Model3\Config\Supermodel.ini" #Edit Supermodel.ini mouse related lines #This assumes you have one mouse assigned per bind/value already. It will not touch any bindings to the RIGHT of the mouse text #(Need backtick in front of capture group variable in the replacement else it won't print the value) #Update gun1 $content = $content -replace '(InputStart1.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputCoin1.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputGunX.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputGunY.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputTrigger.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputOffscreen.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogGunX.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogGunY.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogTriggerLeft.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogTriggerRight.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun1formatted`$3" #Update gun2 $content = $content -replace '(InputStart2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputCoin2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputGunX2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputGunY2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputTrigger2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputOffscreen2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogGunX2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogGunY2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogTriggerLeft2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" $content = $content -replace '(InputAnalogTriggerRight2.*?)(MOUSE.*?)(_)',"`$1$gun2formatted`$3" #Write new file #Write-Output $content $content | Set-Content -Path "C:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Model3\Config\Supermodel.ini"
  7. I have got this to work, I copied my launchbox folder from my spare hdd direct in the c drive of the ssd. So launchbox is not installed in the users folder its in the main c drive. Bigbox now runs. If I move the launchbox folder to the users folder bigbox has the errors above. Not sure why. I also updated launchbox to the latest version from this location.
  8. I get the same, I have launchbox / bigbox running in windows 7 fine. I decided to upgrade my cab to windows 10. Everything to do with launchbox is in the launchbox folder (roms, emulators, videos, etc) i copied the entire launchbox folder to a spare hdd. I put a new ssd in my cab and installed windows 10 enterprise. I then installed launchbox and copied every thing from my launchbox folder on my spare hdd to the launchbox folder on the ssd. Launchbox runs fine and the games run. When i start bigbox i get the intro video then the errors which appear to be the same as the poster above. Now the strange thing is that if i run bigbox from the spare hdd it runs fine. Any thoughs please.
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