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File Reviews posted by CrocketRauncher


       2,817    154

    After 7+ years, I was finally tinkering around with the idea of leaving Hyperspin for Launchbox with the free version for a week or two in early November.

    Then I saw Eclipse and immediately pulled the trigger for the full price of a Lifetime update license for Bigbox! (And totally missed the Black Friday sale by a week in my haste XD) You should get a commission ;)

    I've been running it on a couple arcade cabinets and I really really love the look and feel to the work Fry has done here. Thank you for creating this!


    5/5 - Very easy to install, just follow the instructions in Fry's video.


    4.5/5 - For an early version it's highly functional and looks great. I'm super impressed how it all comes together.

    A couple minor critiques:

    • You may struggle with long lists of games. Netflix UI doesn't show you every movie they have to stream, but what you're most likely to enjoy and then leave it to the user to search. I think it could work like that in the future with an option to have only your high % games show based on what you've played, depending on how that algo develops to your preferences. 
    • Loading does take awhile, but since I'm new to Bigbox I don't really have anything to compare it to.
    • You can rename steam webm movies to .mp4 and they'll run, easy workaround.
    • I don't really understand the caching and sometimes need to delete artwork for it to pick up new cover art. Even though I flush "all" the cache. This is probably a bigbox thing.
    • I think it'd look really cool if the top right movie quarter could play a little under the box art/titles, giving it the appearance that the box art slightly "floats" over the small movie preview. This may be a bigbox limitation though so no big deal, it looks great already. The black background under the box art stands out a little in contrast.
    • I'd really enjoy if there was something like a "Most Played" row, a "Least Played" row or similar... showing 20-30 titles each. I think there's a lot here that can be done to add/remove discovery options to configure.


    This is a beautiful and amazing theme that I'd be down to donate for continued updates. My wife (who's not a gamer) exclaimed how insanely cool it was when she first saw and played through with it. It's REALLY nice to have a front end that people know how to use intuitively when they sit down.

    Thanks again. Highly recommend everyone try this gem out.

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