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Posts posted by lovemehate

  1. am scared to reinstall anything as I spent a very very long time setting it up last year. I don't want to lose my filter settings, directories.

    is there any simple fix? Can i just reinstall retro-arch without losing all my cores and bios settings?

    I tried a fresh install just to test it out, and just trying to get naomi to run is a nightmare (keep getting bios error) even though its in the correct directory.

    I dont want to go through and fix 30 odd systems.

    any suggestions on something to try to fix this?

    edit 1

    Mame seems to work

    Reicastlibretro , nothing happens when right quick, launch with ....(for Naomi and Atomiswave)

    cap32libretro, nothing happens

    4dolibretro...the same. in fact there's no point testing any more . nothing "libretro" works.

    edit 2

    I tried opening Retro-arch app outside of launch box, and even when loading core , then game? I get "Error loading core"

    I have use the retro-arch to update all shaders, cores whatever else I was able to

    I have no idea what to do

    thanks if you can help


    error 1a.gif


  2. On 12/9/2021 at 1:07 AM, Lordmonkus said:

    The sliders in game do not save on exit, you need to edit the raster.ini or vector.ini (depending on type of game) manually. That is why I uploaded my files.

    You can play around with the settings in game but take note of what you got when you get it a way you like and then transfer them to the ini file.

    ok, thank you for clearing that up for me.

  3. On 12/9/2021 at 1:07 AM, Lordmonkus said:

    The sliders in game do not save on exit, you need to edit the raster.ini or vector.ini (depending on type of game) manually. That is why I uploaded my files.

    You can play around with the settings in game but take note of what you got when you get it a way you like and then transfer them to the ini file.

    ah ok, thank you for clearing that up.

    I did have one question which one of the settings controls/effects screen tearing? Its mostly noticeable in Side scrollers

  4. 2 hours ago, Lordmonkus said:

    From what I read Retrobat is a fork of EmulationStation which from what I recall is using Retroarch / Libretro. If that is the case then if you use Retroarch in LB you will have access to all of its shaders.

    I got your settings to work, and it looks so much better thank you,

    I kind of like the scan-line look a little better, If I may ask, how did you edit the settings with silders for the whole system? I can only seem to find it per game.

    either way thanks for the help

  5. 15 hours ago, neil9000 said:

    Mame is designed to be as accurate to the original hardware as possible, so it uses the exact resolution and aspect ratio as the original games. Also it should be noted that no 2D based system can have it's graphics improved, only 3D systems can "Upscale" to higher resolutions. This is because 2D games use pixel art and this is a fixed resolution image, 3D is different as that is just math, and something that is supposed to be say 10x10 in size can be doubled in size/resolution simply by making that object 20x20 instead (but this also needs more power from the PC as you have quadrupled the amount of polygons needed to render the object now, needing 4x the graphics power as the original resolution game), its very simple math. A 2D sprite or a actual image has been drawn to the resolution of the original hardware and cannot be improved other than overlaying a shader as @Lordmonkus already stated, so don't expect any huge improvements, the games are old, made in low resolution, and designed to run on CRT monitors, not the flatscreens we have today.

    What you are sort of asking here is "how do i make my movie i recorded from TV in 1985 on my 15 inch CRT onto VHS tape, look great and HD on my 55 inch flatscreen TV?" and the obvious answer to that is you cant, at least not on the fly without first converting the whole video using some sort of upscaling software that would take you weeks, and still not look very good. In order for a 2D game to look better every single sprite and image would need to be AI upscaled in real time, and that isnt possible, no PC is fast enough for that currently.

    Not exactly, I was using retrobat before, and they have a pretty easy setup to where you just hold A, and you can cycle through a whole list of filters and more. and some of them totally make the games amazing. I don't see these options in retrobat, I get that you have to setup the emulators separately, but I just don't see these options, I may have to try some other emulators.

  6. So I upgraded to the premum for big box and I noticed that mame games look horrible, and when opening mame? there is almost nothing to change the games graphics, filters nothing.

    when using google or youtube, I find tons of info on making games look better, however using other emulators, I have the normal MAME set up to run 1000s of roms so I don't know if its a good idea to switch emulators....Last time I was configuring a front end? I had to go through so many options and settings, and cores to get the ones I like running, I don't want to do that again. In fact I cant....

    so as am using normal MAME, there seems to be next to nothing in graphics settings , or am i missing something?

    any tips or suggestions?

    I have no problem switching emulators, I just didn't think there was an all in one emulator for it.

    thanks if you can help.



  7. 8 hours ago, Koroth said:

    I forgot to mention. If you have a licensed version of LaunchBox, you can set up the image priority in Tools > Options > Media. Here you can set up the order of which image groups LauchBox should display if you have missing media.

    ah yes, I just saw that, So when you are in big box, does it default to box art, and not 3d box?

    Most likely buy a Lic tonight. just a bit sour I missed out on the black Friday sale.

    Thanks for the help.

  8. 4 hours ago, neil9000 said:

    You should never just kill a PC game like that, unless you want corrupted saves that is, always close PC games via their own in game menu.

    I pretty much always save manually, but there are some pc games am kind just trying out and messing around with. some? for some annoying reason have no easy way to exit the game. I don't know why but devs think you should go into the options and other pages to "exit" game, even in newer games. I hate it.

  9. 4 hours ago, C-Beats said:

    Your gif shows what is wrong. You are downloading a "Box - Front" image but are using the 3D Box image group. Your game doesn't HAVE a 3D box image and you don't have Box - Front set up as a back up priority in options and so LaunchBox doesn't display anything.

    You can add anything that you can run via command line. I've seen several users add websites to their LaunchBox build in the past, but know that they aren't officially support and we don't have any metadata or media for non-game entries and so you'd have to manually add those as well.

    Should be listed as "Close Active Window" in the controller bindings (or keyboard automation)

    Thanks for the replies/info. am looking into what your talking about the box and all that. Am kind of confused cause I don't see other box art options. So what option exactly am I looking for? Idealy Id like videos, box art of some sort and Logos to show up in big box (going to buy it this week)


  10. So I tried both manually adding, and dropping/dragging a few game shortcuts, They find them when searching for metadata. They launch/play just fine. but no matter what the art, box art. nothing shows up even after refreshing. what am I doing wrong?

    also, other topic Does big box mode support any kind of youtube, netflix, hulu or anything like that? I rather not use Kodi cause thats a hot mess to get going.

    one more question, does big box have a shortcut to end any game/program? even Pc games? In retrobat you can hold L + R + Start + Select to end any game that's running.

    thanks if you can help with some of this.

    Edit: I added a gif to show what happens.


  11. thanks for all the help so far am checking all the replies out now, so far my biggest issue is just setting up every single emulator again. Mainly ps1 , cause am used to the front end of retrobat, where i can just open a menu and change it there, all emulators for the same rom, or settings

    15 hours ago, Lordmonkus said:

    For Mame it's best to have a full set that you know the version of it and match the Mame emulator version to it. Up to date Mame sets are easier than ever to get now too.

    Not exactly sure what you mean here, Launchbox is free and easy to see if it meets your needs. You set everything up in Launchbox, Bigbox is just the fancy controller driven UI meant for use on the couch with your TV or in a cabinet.

    Well I only have the free version, So far its been a mess changing any settings, In fact I have no idea how to make any game look decent cause there is no one button pull graphic options like there is in retrobat,

    I would hope that option is in BigBox and its not free so I have no idea what its like.

  12. 51 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    For Mame it's best to have a full set that you know the version of it and match the Mame emulator version to it. Up to date Mame sets are easier than ever to get now too.

    Not exactly sure what you mean here, Launchbox is free and easy to see if it meets your needs. You set everything up in Launchbox, Bigbox is just the fancy controller driven UI meant for use on the couch with your TV or in a cabinet.

    Well I only have the free version, So far its been a mess changing any settings, In fact I have no idea how to make any game look decent cause there is no one button pull graphic options like there is in retrobat,

    I would hope that option is in BigBox and its not free so I have no idea what its like.

  13. So I spent days setting up Retrobat, and found out its a hot mess adding my windows games, Mugen ect ect. ran into Launchbox , and I want to buy the bigbox mode, but I can't really find a lot of options that where easily accessible in retrobat, like: easy changing emulators for each game. (LB asks me each time to pick 1 emulator, so what if a game wont run on one, and better on another?) not to mention I have to find/install each emulator myself? (This was already set up in Retrobat).

    It's fine, but I don't want to spend money on something that won't do what something free can do. 

    also when importing whole folders? I adds all the videos, text files, and other crap that I don't want to see in the game list and I see no way to clean that up. 

    if anyone can help clear this up for me, I'd be great as I'd love to finish a front end for all my Retro games, Pc games, Media (if possible) openBor, Mugen, windows apps like Netflix, hulu, netflix.

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