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Posts posted by UnnUndrgrnd4114

  1. 12 minutes ago, x4ml said:

    Hello! You can enable the "Show Android Apps" option on the Options page. Then click the "Manage Android Apps" option and add the games you want to see inside the Android section.

    Let us know if this helped you. Thanks

    I was unaware of that feature. It did the trick. Thank you everyone

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 hours ago, faeran said:

    Actually, I think we figured out what is going on, and it's related to touch inputs. We'll have that fixed in the next update. Thanks for the report.

    Awesome, thank you.

    I determined the Bluetooth controller's unaffected, so I can still use it that way for now. Thank you guy's again

    • Like 1
  3. Thank you guys for the update.


    I'm unsure what happened, but I'm unable to scroll through or select games to play. I'm able to navigate the menus no problem, but it won't let me scroll through the actual games lists or select anything

  4. I know they were trying to show how AetherSX2 worked for the Custom Emulator section when it first came out, so I was hoping someone had some insight on how to do that with Vita3K or Yuzu at least until the updates for them officially come out

  5. Hey everyone. I know the team's working hard on updating everything as soon as they can, however I wanted to ask how to manually add Vita3K in the meantime? Maybe Yuzu for Android too?

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Jason Carr said:

    Apparently the issue is Android 13. I did all my testing on Android 12, and everything was working great. Now, since my tablet updated to Android 13, it's broken with the same error message. I don't really understand how Android 13 would introduce that error when launching Skyline, but Android is Android I guess.

    Dang. Hoping the error log helps you guys figure this one out. Thank you for all your efforts with this

  7. 2 hours ago, Jason Carr said:

    Okay, what device are you using and what version of Android is it running? Have you tested opening games up manually in Skyline?

    Galaxy S20+ and Android Version 13. Yes, I have 1 game and it works directly in Skyline.

    It gave me the option to update LaunchBox again today, so I tried it and it looks to be the same error message.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    The Android platform should show up under Handhelds.

    I still don't really understand what's going on with Skyline for you. The version that we've installed is the free version from here:


    We've just installed the very first one at the top of the list. Are you installing Skyline from somewhere else?


    I see Android under Handhelds now, thank you.

    Yes sir, right from their website #1598. I tried deleting and reinstalling Skyline too, but still the same issue. It even says Skyline's ready to be launched


  9. 2 hours ago, Jason Carr said:

    LaunchBox for Android 1.7-beta-2 is out now with the following:

    • Fixed the issues with the Pure theme
    • Fixed issues with the updated grid view not sizing correctly when switching between portrait and landscape
    • Fixed the Android platform not showing up when using platform categories
    • Vertical wheel spacing and sizing have been adjusted to make a cleaner experience between devices

    Thank you for today's update.

    I gave updating Skyline a try, but it gave me the attached error message. I don't have Skyline Edge; I use the free version so maybe that has something to do with it.

    Also, after today's update unfortunately the Android Platform still isn't showing up for me









  10. Much appreciative of the recent updates. A few things I was hoping to address:

    1.) The Android Platform option seems to have disappeared on me

    2.) LaunchBox to Skyline's giving me the attached error message

    3.) I had started a new topic on this about 2 weeks ago, but no one's responded as of yet. With micro sd's being phased out of newer phones, is there a way to scope storage our cloud storage like Google Drive, OneDrive, etc. on Android?


  11. Hey everyone. I don't know if this is a thing or not, so if it is just please let me know


    With most phones losing the micro sd slot, I wanted to ask if there was a scoped storage version that could read roms on android through my Google Drive rather than my micro sd card?



  12. 43 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    What device are you using? Can you send me a crashing log file for review? The logs are located in the Logs subfolder of the LaunchBox folder.

    Per the videos, did you download or export any videos?

    Galaxy S20+

    I'm not seeing a LaunchBox folder other than this com.unbrokensoftware.launchbox folder that's empty

    I haven't downloaded any videos; I linked my EmuMovies account. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong on that end though because the credentials say I'm logged in

    Screenshot_20220211-105553_My Files.jpg

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