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Everything posted by TopGunBass

  1. Well once a game launches no way to exit back to menu. Tab key to config controls doesnt work. Strange.
  2. Thanks Joe. When I added the i8244.zip and videopac.zip the games were able to launch. No other set up in launch box was needed. Oddly there are no functions for mame to configure anything.
  3. Hi guys, I'm trying to use mame to load odyssey2 games. Emulator is set as MESS Assosiated platforms: magnavox odyssey2 Default command: odyssey2 -cart I have odyssey2.zip in mame rom folder. Odyssey2 games are .bin After importing Roms when I launch a game it trys to load and then a black screen then back to launchbox menu. Is there something I'm missing. Can someone help me out. Thanks.
  4. Ok thanks
  5. Guys when I config my controls for specific games for vectrex in mame, all games change to the last controls I map. Is there a way to save the controls without having to remap for each game. Thanks for any help.
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