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Trace Katral

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  1. <<SOLVED>> Okay got it working. So I followed all the instructions, No cheat, autosave off etc. Still didn't work. So I just simply logged out of the Launchbox Database (under cloud) on my cab and logged in again. Scores are successfully submitted again. It seems like BIgBox does not automatically log you in when launched.
  2. So What would cause highscore to suddenly stop working? It was working fine, now nothing gets posted. I have followed all instructions with the ini files. Nothing works. I even updated to the latest mame version. What gives?
  3. Oh, thanks. I did not any of that. So I have some questions. 1. So where is that 3rd party plugin posting? 2. Also so why are the highscores not posting suddenly? Is it a server issue? 3 How can I wipe out my scores and start over?
  4. Oh, thanks. I did not any of that. So I have some questions. 1. So where is that 3rd party plugin posting? 2. Also so why are the highscores not posting suddenly? Is it a server issue? 3 How can I wipe out my scores and start over?
  5. So I made BigBox run as administrator every time it starts. I just tried a game I never played before called Alien Arena. Got a highscore and it posted! I don't know if what I did helped but it's working now. By the way Alien Arena is an interesting game. It has no sound though.
  6. Yep, I posted before you that after downloading the "HiScoreCustomField.dll" I got highscores working. However I just beat my Tetris high score and it did not update. I also tried a new game that I never played before scored 28,560, and the lowest score posted was 1,040. Did not post. It was working fine now suddenly stopped. I'm beginning to think it's a server issue. I changed nothing on my system, nothing was updated. It just stops working. It's a shame because highscore chasing is the reason I got Launchbox.
  7. HEY IT WORKS! I just posted a highscore on the leaderboards! FINALLY! Thank you so much. BTW I placed the Folder in the Launchbox plugin folder. Got a top score on a high score supported game and it did not post. But then I copied the DLL and placed it into the Launchbox plugin folder and it worked.
  8. Scores not posting all of a sudden. So I've read through the forums and applied all recommendations. Nothing is being posted to the LeaderBoards. I just scored a high score and here is the Log file. Any recommendations? Im at a loss. Debug 2023-03-23 10-09-44 AM.log
  9. SOLVED. Never-mind. Your score is not automatically submitted. You need to hit the game's minimum highscore to register the score. For some reason I was under the impression your score was automatically submitted no matter the amount. UPDATE: Well I scored top spot and the leader boards are not showing it. Back to square one. NOT SOLVED.
  10. High scores are not working for me at all. They were fine before 12.7
  11. Are mame High Score servers down or something? Just played some Arkanoid plus Donkey Kong and the scores did not register. They were working in LB 12.6. Also I recently upgraded my 2013 cab and never got around to testing everything. I noticed my spinner wasn't working with Arkanoid so I had to go into the Mame.ini file to change the input for dial to 'mouse'. Could that have anything to do with it? Anyway the 2 things I did was change something in the mame.ini file and upgraded Launchbox to 12.7, prior to that high scores were working fine. Any thoughts?
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