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  1. Perfect - that works for me. Thanks!
  2. My arcade machine is not networked. What's the easiest way to download a LaunchBox update when they become available? I have the lifetime sub. Is there a member download area once logged in that I'm missing?
  3. Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't see a logo with the same name in the theme. However, switching the theme to another one and then switching it back made it work. I guess the old "have you tried turning it off and then on again?" method works!. But then it is Windows, so there you are...
  4. I am such a n00b. Dumb question: how do I manually install a clear logo for one of my playlists? Seaview59 was kind enough to create a logo in the request thread, but what do I do with it? I copied the .png file to the Launchbox\Images\Playlists\%playlistname%\clearlogo directory but it doesn't show up. Do I need to edit an .xml to point to it? I did give it the same name as the playlist name, but still no good.
  5. Would this be the right thread to request a clear logo for Playlists too? I added a LaserDisc and CHD Required playlist to BigBox and they look terrible next to all the pretty logos for the other playlists! Something like this for the laserdisc:
  6. ok, I see. Thanks for the link. I was kind of hoping for the easy button, but it looks like I'll have to modify the ones that had the nifty backgrounds on them. It seems a Mame cabinet is never truly done is it?
  7. Almost all sorted. One remaining issue I have which is more of a Mame issue I suppose is that I am using the bezel pack for Big Box, but old school games like Space Invaders and Asteroids Deluxe for example don't have the color overlay for the actual screen. Is there some pack that I can download to add the screen overlays for the games that used them?
  8. Thanks, I'll change that over. You don't notice the issue unless you're firing off Mame from a command line, but I'll update anyway. Notepad ++ to the rescue on the layout issue; just did a find and replace in files and now all my games display full screen properly. I would not have liked doing that 5,000 times! This could be an isolated issue for larger widescreen users. I am running 1920 x 1200, so others may not experience this problem.
  9. I think I post problems just so I'll work on them, lol... I figured out one way to fix this. For this example, under Mame\Artwork\Polpos I edited the default.lay file. Here's the contents: <mamelayout version="2"> <element name="bezel"> <image file="bezel.png" /> </element> <view name="Bezel Artwork"> <bezel element="bezel"> <bounds left="0" top="0" right="16" bottom="9" /> </bezel> <screen index="0"> <bounds left="2" top="0" right="14" bottom="9" /> </screen> </view> </mamelayout> I changed bottom to equal 10 and that now makes the game completely full screen. I'm sure there is a more elegant way to fix this. Any ideas?
  10. By the way, I'm running Mame 0.259.
  11. Almost there - I have everything setup the way I want it, however Mame games are not quite displaying in fullscreen. There is about an inch border on the top and bottom of the game. I ran Mame in command line separately to see if the problem persists, and it does. Attached is a screenshot of a game, they all do the same thing. When running the command line, I get the following message - Warning: layout view 'Bezel Artwork' contains deprecated bezel element Is there a switch that might override this issue? When running a game without the bezel, it does stretch to the top and bottom of the screen properly.
  12. Figured it out; just deleted LaunchBox\Data\BigBoxSettings.xml and now it works again. Not sure what I did to screw it up, but I got it working again. Thanks for making the file obvious!
  13. Been playing around with my setup and I've completely hosed my BigBox config. Is there a way to reset just the BigBox portion, like it is a fresh install? Perhaps just delete a config file?
  14. Thanks - I was able to get it exactly how I wanted with custom playlists and then having BB start on the playlists. Loving the bezels too!
  15. I'm sure it's out here somewhere, but I can't seem to find it... I have four swappable panels on my cabinet. What I would like to do is setup a custom wheel when Big Box starts up that only includes arcade related games. I would like an entry for the full arcade set, Daphne, and then four more entries that have all the games that work with a particular panel. Maybe also another entry with just favorites and perhaps kids games. I'm probably not explaining this well, but basically I would like to see the wheel look like this when BB starts up: Arcade Full Set Daphne Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3 Panel 4 Favorites Kids Games Is there a way to do this?
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