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Everything posted by Drewmot

  1. Most often my games are organized by system, but sometimes it's great to select a title, series, or genre and see how everything looks together! This is especially true with franchises or games that span multiple generations of consoles such as Star Wars, Mario Bros, or Street Fighter 2! It's very satisfying to look and see how a game and its characters/stories have progressed over time!
  2. For remastered duology collections, I'm a big fan of the more content the better! Super Mario All-Stars was a great early example by including the actual Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels, which most of us in the US hadn't had an opportunity to experience up to that point! As well as including updated graphics on the original three games! For more modern versions, I love the new Konami collections, such as The Castlevania Collection and the Contra Collection; these both added multiple regional versions in addition to timelines and concept art! The Capcom Arcade Stadium Collections were also excellent due to the virtual arcade experience and the ability to play "new" content through both US and Japanese releases of most games! I would love to see more duology games put together for games that actually continue the same direct story line, such as in Final Fantasy X/X-2. Colony Wars from Psygnosis is one that I'd love to see since the sequel actually sees the victors become the oppressors to the original antagonists! TRANSFORMERS: War and Fall of Cybertron together as a set would be AMAZING, but make sure to include the DS versions too!
  3. I really like the idea of remastering certain games and bringing them back to introduce to new players and reimagining for returning players! In my opinion, a great remaster maintains the spirit and feeling of the original game experience while adding elements that will enhance and not take away from what was already a successful game! Graphic updates, re-scoring the soundtrack, and adapting the play controls to modern controllers are all essential to remastering a title. For me, I also love to see the behind-the-scenes content and seeing how not only the original game came together but also how they went about completing the remaster! DuckTales is a great example since it took a really enjoyable game and made it feel like you were actually playing the show!!! The Halo Master Chief Collection is another great example with the ability to appreciate the original graphics and sound and then to enter the modern updated experience on the fly! Also, great integration of achievements and challenges that encouraged you to play through the entire collection!
  4. I would LOVE to see a KONAMI arcade Beat 'EM Up collection!!! It would also be amazing to see a complete ACA/NEO GEO collection!
  5. Games that have brought my family and friends together! Mario Kart (series) Marty Party (series) Super Smash Bros (series) Halo Reach Minecraft
  6. It's difficult to narrow almost 40 years of games down to a top 5, but here goes in no particular order! 1. Super Breakout - Atari 5200 - one of the first games that really grabbed my attention growing up, and still hasn't quite let go! 2. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Super Nintendo - Wonderful adventure through the exciting world of Hyrule! Colorful and a very memorable soundtrack! 3. Super Metroid / Castlevania Symphony of the Night - Super Nintendo - (It's a tie, but they go so well together) Great (re)playability, story, and the relentless hunt to find everything! The reason for Metroidvanias! 4. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - Playstation One - Very engaging, cinematic story through Nosgoth! This game had great voice acting, animation, mood, atmosphere, music . . . 5. Halo: Reach - Xbox 360/Xbox One - Loved the original Halo games, but this one I played for days and days and days. First game I actually worked on speed running and became fairly proficient in multiplayer! Honorable mentions to Final Fantasy 7 - X, Tekken 3, Street Fighter 2 (all of them), Marvel Super Heroes, and Soul Calibur! Hundreds of THOUSANDS of fights!!!
  7. I would agree that there are some AMAZING collection ideas here that I would love to see put together! Metroid & Zelda collections would be must haves for me! And I would 1000% be on board with a Soul Calibur (including Soul Blade/Edge) collection! For my own submission, I would suggest an actual Konami Beat 'Em Up Collection
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