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1-Bit Wonder

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  1. Snes9x EX+ seems to be working great for launching games now, thanks! There is however a small problem with it not recognizing my save data either through the manual saves in the game or the save states in the app. When I open a game through the standalone emulator the save data is there, but not when launching it through LaunchBox. This isn't a problem with any of the other emulators I've tried through LaunchBox (DraStic, DuckStation, Pizza Boy GBC and Dolphin) though so I don't know if there's something spesific with the Snes9x emulator, or if there's a fix for it.
  2. This is my first time trying out LaunchBox, so don't know if there have been problems with these emulators before, but I'm having problems with the ROMs not loading for Pizza Boy GBC, Pizza Boy GBA and Snes9x EX+ Edit: I got Pizza Boy GBC to work by putting the specific GBC folder as the ROM folder instead of the parent folder. However doing the same on Pizza Boy GBA did not fix that emulator.
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