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Everything posted by Alkaholic46

  1. Fixed it reinstalled the graphics driver and it worked
  2. All my games run fine no graphic glitches. Only Launchbox/Bigbox is giving me troubles. Drivers are up to date im running it on an OXP i7 1195g7 intel Iris
  3. That aint it i dont have Nahimic services installed
  4. ill give it a try thanks
  5. Same now my videos on Launchbox Bigbox are currupted showing black. Also transition between systems is corrupted also. The videos play just fine outside of launchbox when i launch them on Window media player they work just fine. its only inside launchbox that they have problems playing. Was working just fine last week See on the pictures between last week and now
  6. I'm in the same situation sucks because the video snaps are a game changer! I had to turn mine off as well. Hope the fix it soon or some one finds a way to paus the snap while game is launched
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