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Posts posted by Dabil

  1. Here is the OG XBox Dashboard background if you would prefer that. Maybe you want to create an alt for the OG XBox purists?


    I made it simply enough. It's a repeating pattern obviously. Here is the repeating tile:




    Duplicate it:




    Add the curvature and shadow in the center and viola:



    I will probably take a stab at using the flat image as a texture to make an animation of dashboard rotation. Or someone else can if you are any good in Blender or some other 3D package. Would be cool to have an animated theme background for the XBox of this dashboard art.

  2. On 10/25/2020 at 6:53 AM, Your Friendly A.I Overlord said:

    I meant the LaunchBox / BigBox startup screens. One thing you could try that I can think of. Do the games run if you try them in CXBX directly? Sometimes an emulator in heavy development has a regression that prevents games that once worked from working.

    What workes for me:

    - Setting cxbx-ldr.exe as my emulator in LaunchBox using the /load argument in the command line.

    - No ahk script except to close cxbx-ldr.exe

    - Ticking "Use Exclusive Fullscreen Mode" in CXBX videosettings. (I myself use a Display Resolution 3840 x 2160 32 bit.)

    - In LaunchBox "Manage Emulator" settings for CXBX Reloaded in the "Startup Screen" tab: "Hide all windows that are not in Exclusive Fullscreen Mode" ticked with a "Startup Load Delay" of 3 seconds.


    One thing to note though, I do not have the games you mentioned as not working. (Blood Wake and Crimson Skies).

    So I have all this set up and everything works great except the exit. I still have to hit the escape on my keyboard. For some reason it does not recognize my exit key stroke of back + start on my xbox 360 controller. It only recognizes the escape key from the keyboard to close. Any ideas how to solve this?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. So I have this problem where my Arcade games have a theme, with a theme video running inside. I would like to know how to just show the theme video, but only for my Arcade games. I want all the other platforms to just keep using the theme. Here is an image that illustrates the problem, as you can see it looks like a theme within a theme,



    As you can see, the video playing within the arcade machine theme, is meant to be a theme all by itself, but for some reason its playing inside this theme. So again, how do I change it so the video plays as the theme without altering the rest of my platforms. Launchbox customization isn't very intuitive for things like this.

  4. Yes indeed I can verify that adding that code to tools -> Manage emulator, select your Cemu emulator and add the the following to the Running AutoHotKey Script tab does in fact close the emulator.


    Now for part 2, getting the controller back + start to close the game.


    In lauchbox going to tools->options->game controllers I found that the controller was not enabled. I checked the button and it still didn't work. So I saved and restarted launchbox and it started working. I went to mapping and found that nothing was set for the "Exit Game". So I hit add and pressed back and start on my controller. However this adds "Button 7, Button 8" which is seems to close the game now when I press either back or start. I think what I really want is "Button7 + Button 8", however I can't seem to get it to take that way. And there doesn't seem to be any way to just type in what you want or a way to return to the default configuration. So how do I set the correct configuration?


    Edit: After going in and setting this button configuration to "close active window" I learned that in order to set "Button 7 + Button 8" you must hold the first button, then press the second button, and then release the second button. And this sets the "+" instead of "," It is explained much better in Big Box than in Launchbox.


    Thanks for all your help! I now appear to have the Front End of my dreams.


    I have to hand it to the team at Launchbox, compared to every other front end out there, this is a dream to use. It's not without its problems but those problems are relatively minor compared to problems I have run into with other front ends. Most of the problems I am referring to are things like, missing artwork for example. It's amazing how much has been automated and just works out of the box.



  5. So currently all my emulators will close when I hit the escape key. However Cemu which I just added does not. There also was a little issue when I was trying to add it that the system name did not show up in the associated platforms grid. However I seemed to have solved that by simply manually typing in the system name. But like I said, now when I hit the escape button on my keyboard cemu simply goes to window mode instead of closing.

    Now ultimately I would like to use in addition to the escape button on my keyboard, back + start button on my controller. However, I can't seem to get that to work at all for any of the emulators.

    So if anyone knows the secret sauce to solve these items please respond. I am using the latest launchbox and the latest cemu and other emulators.

    I have already combed the forums here for solutions as well as YouTube. The only definitive thing I can tell you is that there is a lot of ways that used to work that don't any longer. I have already seem posts like: 

     that have multiple wrong answers that seemingly don't work any longer. So rather than hack up my new installation and cause myself more problems in the long run trying to get this to work, if anyone actually knows what it takes to make this happen, please respond. Thank you in advance.

  6. Good Morning,

    I just downloaded and installed the Nintendo DS 2-D Box Art, and noticed there are numerous missing boxes. As well the artwork set you are using is of a lower quality than what I have. I was a part of the Hyperspin team that completed this set years ago. We made it freely available to everyone in the community. If you go look at the Hypspin forums, you will find it there freely available, or just let me know where I can submit it so it can be used with this wonderful front end. I will also see if I have the original source work still, if so I will complete the Nintendo DS 3D Box set you offer as well since there are a lot of holes. Here are a few shots so you can see the quality is very good, and like I said, it is complete. Well, complete as of the database we were using a few years ago when we made this set.



    1 vs 100 (USA).png

    4 Game Pack! - Battleship + Connect Four + Sorry! + Trouble (USA).png

    007 - Quantum of Solace (USA).png

    123 Sesame Street - Cookie's Counting Carnival - The Videogame (USA).png

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  7. Okay now we are getting somewhere. Thank you so much. I went to Launchbox and downloaded the Unified Platform videos, then set up the switch view mapping, changed the wall view to vertical wheel 2, and BAM!!! Exactly what I wanted. I think I have enough working knowledge now to get a basic set-up. Now hopefully Retro-arch can be used for all my emulation needs. Otherwise, I'll have to figure out how to install alternate emulators. lol


    Thanks again.

  8. I think I found the problem. I must be missing the platform videos for this theme. When I go to Theme-Specific Options I can see that Use random game videos for missing Platform videos is checked. When I uncheck this, the console wheel is just black then. So how do I get the platform videos? Shouldn't they have downloaded with the theme?




  9. So when I change the theme CriticalZoneV2 theme, I get the expected results (see pictures attached). Albeit not nearly as attractive, but at least the relevant and expected results. But when I switch back to the Unified things go wacko again. Things also go wacko when I try the Unified Redux theme. Are these Unified themes broken with the latest version of Big Box?



  10. Attached are two images from my hyperspin cabinet. The first one where you can see the image of the gamecube, is the Platform theme, and the 2nd image of Super Mario Strikers is the Game theme. Every game has the same theme, just different artwork. I am trying to get Big Box to look like this, and in the tutorial I was following, this is exactly what the guy got. But for some reason, the sames steps performed when I did, yielded a different result.

    Console Wheel.jpg

    Game Wheel.jpg

  11. I just want it to look and behave like the set up in the tutorial video I listed.


    I see what you are saying after further experimentation. I am seeing platform wheels. But the problem is, when I go to that platform wheel, I want to then see an image of the console, information about it, a video sample of different games on the console. And what i am getting instead is a random game them.

    The whole point of the unified theme is to make Big Box look and act like Hyperspin, which is why I selected it. But it's not working right now. Oh and once I go into a console I just get a big grid of games. Not what I want at all. I attached an image of this.

    game theme.jpg


    I am brand new to Big Box and have been using Hyperspin for yeas. Trying to switch to Big Box for my cabinet since Hyperspin seems to be dead.

    I am following this beginners guide to set up LaunchBox and Big Box, however my results were not nearly as nice.

    I turned on the Unified theme in Big Box, just like in the video, however mine looks very different. I just have one big wheel with every game on my system in it. I don't have the console selection wheel where you can choose Genesis or NES. Just one big wheel with every game on it. Also the game name art is missing. The art for the game on the wheel is just the system name. So I have no idea where I am at on the wheel. Does it go alphabetic like Hyperspin?

    I will attach an image of what my Big Box looks like in a little bit if you need to see it to understand what I mean. I am currently importing a new ROM set so I can't go to Big Box.


    Also, is there a particular beginner tutorial on YouTube that is really good? Most of the tutorials I see are very narrowly focused to the point where they aren't much use for someone who is at the very beginning like I am.


    Thanks in advance for you help.



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