cool, thanks for sharing, at this point, I think it makes more sense to create platforms in Launchbox to only contains games I really want to show instead of displaying only playlists? what do you think?
I would like to display 3 systems only:
Arcade: List of arcade games that I will run with Mame, Model 2, Naomi and so on
Pinball: List of Pinball machine with VPX, VP9 and so on
Jukebox: single "game" category that should directly launch into Retrobox
Now, I can do all these with HyperSpin and RocketLauncher, but I want to have it organized as well with Launchbox.
how do you think I should organize my lists? should I only import the games I want on my Platforms Lists ? or should I import my complete mame set then filter from LB? Notice that I want to have a list of approx 100 games (mame, model2, naomi) all in the same "category" and use different emulator specifying per game.
This is what people do for systems like VP, becouse we need several versions of VP (8,9,X) in order to play different table.
Right now I am displaying only playlists and I have 3 of them according to the list I shared above. everything is fine, but I cannot launch jukebox directly from the playlist view, this breaks my use case