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Everything posted by lunatiq

  1. Thank you!
  2. I have 7z games that have iso inside but for some reason I cannot launch them. I have checked extract in emulator settings.
  3. I have checked to extract
  4. I have 7z games that have iso inside but can't seem to boot from dolphin. It's a white screen. This is my last console not working. Any help would be appreciated!
  5. I found it! Thank you! It worked!
  6. Where do I see this?
  7. I have games packaged as 7z. It seems redream doesn't launch them automatically as this. Do I have to extract to separate folders?
  8. I have 3 monitors and launchbox seems to load a loading screen on one of them. Anyway to turn this off?
  9. Something is wrong with my ISO
  10. So what emulator should I use for NEO GEO CD?
  11. It is not allowing me to import all games with MAME.
  12. can you provide those additional parameters
  13. The tutorial on youtube suggests to install MESS to emulate neo geo cd but it's not selectable as an installable rom. How do we do this or how do we emulate neo geo cd. Thanks!
  14. This is exactly what I was looking for.
  15. I have a batch for command line script that will convert files to 7z to compress but I'm not sure how to do directory of directories. Maybe someone can help. FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %F IN ('DIR /B /A-D "D:\Media\Roms\atari 2600"') DO 7z.exe a "D:\Media\Roms\atari 2600\New Folder\%~NF.7z" "D:\Media\Roms\atari 2600\%~NXF"
  16. Thanks for creating this! It's awesome. I've had fun setting it up and I am going to have so much fun playing it. There is so much information and instructions on YouTube it really made things easier. Android was a little tougher and I don't have playstation or others all setup for that yet because I'm using just a flash drive in my shield but it's so cool to have all the retro games available to play like this.
  17. I figured it out. You disabled startup screen.
  18. I have 3 monitors and when I launch a game it uses the left and middle monitor but leaves the right visible. Is there anyway to black out all screens and play on the middle? or not black out the right and left and play just on the middle?
  19. I got it working! I had to map the controller in the emulation settings.
  20. I'm trying to get Dolphin to work but it says the isos do not exist when they do.
  21. I think I got this solved.
  22. I tried using nesoid and nostalgia but they're not working. nesoid doesn't seem to support controllers and nostalgia loads up its own interface after 'play' game.
  23. I think I purchased the windows license thinking it was for both. I will use windows so I'll keep this for the future. I think I need to buy the android license now.
  24. I am having trouble with android license. I purchased it on the site for $75.00. I didn't realize they were separate I only saw it from the site and purchased. I can show you my receipt in PM.
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