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Everything posted by OrangeKryptonite

  1. Yes, I have that set. But I'm looking for something with consistent aesthetics and not all the items I listed are covered. I'm currently trying to make them...and I have made some progress but its taking me a long time because I am not an expert level in graphics editing. All the tools I have for making doing the work are pretty archaic.
  2. Hi all, This thread is absolutely amazing. It's helped me to radically improve the aesthetics of one of my builds. I am wondering if one of you image wizards out there might be able to help me. One one of my builds, I have a section called applications with 5 categories. I am looking for something that looks consistent but nice for the following categories: * Karaoke+MP3 * Movies * Music * Photos * Music Videos Hope one of you can help. I have tried myself but my skill with image editing is clearly lacking. Thanks in advance for anyone who might consider to help me.
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