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  1. For fast paced shooters and competitive games it matters alot It will give a much smoother experience But for thirdperson or slow games 60 Hz is still fine I'd go with 144hz max for casual gaming going higher than this will give a competitive advantage in online games but that's it
  2. I use multi-disk tagging. In fact, i dislike what some id done on _some_ online stores for what would be multi-disk (if physical) albums...some do exactly what you do. My file organising is then "<Album Artist>/<Album>/<Disc#> - <Track#> - <Title>" Where if <Disc#> or <Track#> is unknown, I default to "00" tutuapp 9apps showbox
  3. Hey all - I was wondering if it's normal for BigBox to take 20 seconds to launch? I'm using a Ryzen 5 1600 @ 3.8ghz with a Samsung 960 EVO NVMe so it should be lightning fast, but it just seemingly takes forever to startup. I open the shortcut and it takes about 5 seconds for the Splash image to appear, then about 15 seconds later it launches. Is this just poor optimization or is there anything I can do to get it launch faster? Is this normal?
  4. Can we get this saved on archive.org? I would love to see it as permanently archived as possible so that it can be saved and used for the future than a volatile Google Drive link. snaptube vidmate
  5. Yes the games work fine with the cores natively from retroarch. It's an issue with Launchbox. Interesting that some are reporting it works...maybe it's something to do with my set up but I've experienced it across multiple systems.. tutuapp 9apps showbox
  6. In the finishing stages off my apps development, and getting ready to publish to the App Store. Everything works great for me, but I have this fear the first user to download is going to find some bug I never found and it will all fall apart lol. Some background: This will be my first app and is intended to be a portfolio/resume app to help get me a job first and foremost. I dont plan to or intend to make a dime with it, but if i get a job as a result of my work I see that as payment enough. I am self taught without any prior programming background . kodi nox
  7. You must be sure you're running regular or no nag mame, you CAN'T USE GUI VERSIONS, check that and try again (i was having the same problem) tutuapp 9apps showbox
  8. It could be something that a barely halfway competent guy could handle in five minutes, or it could be way beyond any reasonable fix, or anything in between. It depends on the exact problem. kodi nox
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