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File Comments posted by Syllius

  1. Can't thank you enough! Apparently, my wife had built up a tremendous amount of nostalgia for "Hot Dog Bush" over the years! Lol, you really put a ton of laughter in the air here! It seems to work very smoothly and I don't want to tinker with anything at the risk of breaking it. Can I ask if there's any way to do bulk downloads or perhaps drop in the missing game info from an Ultimate install? The sea of blank of entries in LaunchBox has me in challenge mode now!  =D

    • Game On 1
  2. On 10/17/2023 at 6:58 PM, oblivioncth said:

    It's further complicated by the fact that there's no hard and fast rules, but rather just "best practice" which of course people argue over. It's also become more common over time to leave out the zero when showing release numbers in more "user facing" contexts since it looks cleaner. Even though the FP12 release on the website is specifically 12.0, they started leaving out the zero so they only list it as 12, which can then be confusing since it contradicts what I said earlier. The "stricter" use of version numbers does include keeping the 0 when it matters though as I explained with the Qt example.

    Yea, this kind of stuff can be really intimidating at first, and dealing with the tooling is it's own nightmare, but it definitely gets easier as you go. Starting with example projects that are already fully working can be a good way to get a better sense of what really matters and what doesn't for a particular goal (e.g. loading in an external library) as it's definitely easy to get lost in the myriad of facilities and to know what exactly is relevant for a given task.

    Anyway, I uploaded an update to FIL. As I said before, try it out with a fresh copy of FP12 Infinity and then let me know if you run into issues with games working again, or just how to use FIL in general.

    Thanks again for the quick turn around! Just grabbed it and sitting down to do the installs now!

  3. That's absolutely awesome! I've looked at version numbers for decades, but have only had a very distant relationship with programming  and had no idea that the numbers were classifications of updates. I always just assumed it was to have a wider range of numbers to choose from for branching versions. I've always wanted to get more into it and recently looking at some of the tutorials for building C# plugins has really been tempting me to try and start learning how to use Visual Studio. I've always found it really intimidating though, heh, I usually get to about the library inclusion and function building parts of the curriculum and start feeling overwhelmed. 


  4. Absolutely indebted! Thank you very much and I appreciate the info about the version number. I think that once you had mentioned it and I went to the archived version of the downloads, I just assumed the original download I'd made was 12.1 since the archived version is labeled 12.0. I had no idea though that the version numbers were target number, though I think I remember reading something this evening about not using trailing 0s in release numbers, but that may have been a GitHub tad-bit that flew by me in my frenzied state. 😃 I'll keep an eye out and, again, all my gratitude!


  5. image.thumb.png.0f2ddb65db87746b73d90183501326b0.png

    Came right off their site. I believe that's where I picked up the previous version, too. I attempted to grab a couple other games, and started testing them. Lots of white screens, but I kind of feel like that's some sort of firewall conflict on my behalf. Still trying to figure it out. When I attempted to import a few of the ones that were playing, though, I started getting a key error for server from the config.json in Launcher. I think I had switched it from PHP to Apache at some point, but switching it back didn't seem to help. I believe the only ones I added were from the Adult Swim playlist. I imagine this, amongst other things, is probably some of your frustrations. I'm not terribly prolific at the inner working of programming, but if you ever want someone to bear the burden, I'll be keeping right up on your updates. I'd be more than happy to help try and test out functionality when the new version drop if you think it'll be feasible. Wish I had a bit more understanding of the internal machinations of the server.


  6. Wow, there it is. I'm in a bit of shock right now. lol So, once my drive arrives and I get 12.1 Ultimate, can I ask what type of errors that you anticipated when you mentioned earlier about the latest version's compatibility issues? This one seems to work now and I'm wondering if I should try to locate an archive of a more robust older working version or trying to build out a library through what I have a result with now. Any advice is appreciated and considered heavily!  Again, I can't thank you enough, I needed a win tonight!

  7. Okay, this maybe progress. Failed to parse Flashpiont playlist icon. Invalid value for type.... It's all this Irish luck rubbing off on everyone else's hard work. -smh- Today has been a rollercoaster. Doing backups on all the drives, running into errors there I've never seen before. When it rains, it pours!


    Fergot to add this:


    JSON Node Stack:

    - File: M:/Flashpoint/Data/Playlists/Test - 1697427593874.json

    - Document

    - Object

    - Key: icon


    Failed to parse Flashpoint playlist icon.


    Invalid value for type.



    --- I can see that from the .json that it's a test playlist I created. Deleting it now, will attempt again shortly and return results here! Thank you for the help, I promise, lol, I'll only ask when I'm terrified to touch it or am legitimately confused... Which is often.


    Success! My sincerest gratitude, friend! Give me a few minutes, though, gotta figure out what to break next. 

  8. Ah, I was using FIL_v0.7.1 Windows Static x64. The Infinite build I downloaded was labeled 12.1, but after reading that it was targeted to 12.0, I went and downloaded that separately (could not even complete a search and installed to an "undesirable" location). If there are versions of FIL, CLIFp and an older available version of Ultimate available at any location that have been known to work together, I'll gladly put in the work to collect and have at least an older stable working version through LaunchBox. Lol, that guy said his girlfriend loved you for it, trying to get some of that affection over here! 😃 Hey, thanks again, anytime you have to bail or get sick of me, please just tell me to cool it. I've been loving every aspect of this front end since I found it and I'm having such a great time collecting and nostalgia tripping on all the games I played growing up. I know I can be eager, sometimes too much, but I certainly do appreciate all the help and I hope to be more active in these forum and the discord so I can help pay it forward someday!

  9. I also dropped the CLIFp 0.9.6 executable, along with all the other files it came with, in the root directory, as that seems to be where the deploy CLIFp menu option puts the version you're using. Still no luck in any imports. I feel like I maybe missing something, but I'll keep doing some testing and trying to figure out where I went wrong. 


  10. Tried updating the current install, but it didn't resolve the error. I have CLIFp_v.0.9.6 ready to go, can you please inform me where it should be located to resolve the issue? I've also gone ahead and installed 12.0 (dunno how I missed the multiple warning about the targeted version lol) in case I need to pursue that avenue instead. Any help will be greatly appreciated, but I absolutely understand about hectic schedules. Thanks so much for all you've contributed so far! 

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