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Files posted by Bawnanable

  1. Simplified COLORFUL Platform View Videos

    Hey folks! 
    So, for this theme I've edited together some of the beautiful platform videos seen within the COLORFUL BigBox theme by @viking-- and with their permission I'm uploading these if anyone here is interested! I've basically repositioned the videos to the right-hand side so that the standard 'Wheel with Details' theme fits nicely on the left (plus some other minor amendments such as console startups and colour changes). Please see below for a little example of what it looks like below;

    What's Included
    x19 H264 platform videos to be used in conjunction with the standard 'Wheels with Details' theme:
    Android, NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, Nintendo DS, Master System, Mega Drive (Genesis), Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Sega GameGear, SNK NeoGeo Pocket Color, Playstation 1, Playstation 2, Sony PSP  
    Installation Instructions
    Extract the [platform videos] from the .zip file to an appropriate location. Open Launchbox and change the Platform view to the standard [Wheel with Details] theme. Hold on a platform and tap Edit Media, and then tap Browse for New MP4 Video and select the corresponding video file to the platform (you will need to repeat this across all platforms) On the Platform page tap View Settings and adjust the Background Fade Amount to 0. Enable Background Videos, and Disable both Show Box Image and Show Text Details.  
    @faeran I know this isn't an ordinary theme upload, so please feel free to move it if this isn't the right space for it. Also, thank you for everything you do!


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