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Everything posted by Bawnanable

  1. Out of curiosity, is there any intention to get a fix for both DS games via DraStic and 3DS games via Citra to launch correctly using Launchbox? I only ask as it's been quite some time and it's kind of the primary thing a launching frontend should have working correctly. No worries though, I'm not trying to be an ass, hahah, I just don't want things to get forgotten about!
  2. I use an 'AYN Odin Lite' which is on Android 11. This was also the device I tested it on.
  3. I just thought I'd mention it incase it goes amiss, but both DS games via DraStic and 3DS games via Citra (all versions including Antutu) can be successfully launched directly via the latest Daijisho at the moment-- so it must be possible! I'd love to see a fix for this if at all possible. Apologies for being a nag!
  4. Oh wow-- I just tested this myself and it launches perfectly fine via Daijisho! I would absolutely love a fix for this.
  5. I apologize if this is something that's been brought up before-- but the new alternative 'Antutu' version of Citra MMJ runs games almost flawlessly on my Odin Lite, and is much better than the standard version. However, LaunchBox can't quite recognize the emulator when 'Citra MMJ' is selected as it claims it isn't installed-- is this something than could potentially be added in, or if not, how do I go about adding it in as a Custom Emulator exactly? Also, I am aware Citra doesn't actually allow games to be launched via Frontends, but I'd still like LaunchBox to at the very least take me to the app, hahah.
  6. Thanks Jason! Everything seems to be in working order on my end. I am gutted about DraStic though, boy do I regret letting my apps auto-update, hahah. Is it worth notifying the developer ourselves about this problem?
  7. Yeah, I'm unfortunately having the same issue! 😵 Hope there's a quick fix...
  8. Unfortunately I don't have an Odin Pro; but I do have an Odin Lite that I still use almost daily. I've experienced next to no issues at all with Launchbox-- other than one specific one to do with video playback stills; I won't go into that here, but feel free to look at my post history, although I believe the issue is specific to the Odin Lite and how I choose to use LaunchBox.
  9. Unfortunately nothing changed with the latest update, the issue still occurs. 😅 At the very least, thank you for trying something out though!
  10. Thanks Jason! Looking all good on my end-- I appreciate the adjustment on the wheel spacing; I can no longer see a quarter of a logo poking from the bottom of the screen since the Fullscreen update, hahah. I thought I'd mention that some logos now look huge in comparison to others on my end (see NES and GBC). It's not a massive problem, but just looks a bit odd to me.
  11. Aye! Another great update Jason-- it's so nice having Launchbox full-screen now, and I haven't noticed anything majorly abnormal from the change on my end. I have noticed I get an error with Faeran's Pure theme that I never got before; "Cannot assign property 'UseTransparentTheme'; Property does not exist". I also really like the addition of Platform categories! However, I know I'd personally only use it if the option of adding videos to each category was possible-- I know that's not a simple request but I thought I'd at least throw it out there. 😂
  12. Oh man, that's legitimately disappointing... Thanks so much for checking-in though Jason. I have actually figured out another step to the problem if it helps at the very least. I went and tested it on the only other Android device I have (Google Pixel 6) and I couldn't replicate the issue at all. Seeing it on a different device got me thinking about the different animated transitions native to each device, so on my Odin Lite within the Accessibility system settings I turned on "Remove animations". Lo and behold it actually worked! It genuinely fixed the issue, however, the entire device no longer has animated transitions and it feels pretty dang gross. I essentially have to make a decision on what feels the most ugly to live with. I don't know if this helps with a potential fix at all, but there you have it.
  13. I'm curious to know if anybody else has this issue, or am I just one of the few that uses Launchbox in this particular way? Every time I want to show off my set-up to someone, this always happens to me and it's pretty dang ugly. Please see attached for a video example; would love it if anyone would be able to help out with this issue or even suggest a fix? 553221763_XRecorder_07112022_1427353.mp4
  14. Two tiny tidbits that might alter your opinion of RetroArch; 1. You can download all the cores you need directly through RetroArch, no hassle of outsourcing. 2. You can change the menu appearance of RetroArch so that it can actually look kinda slick rather than "DOS"-like. In theory, all you have to do in RetroArch is download a bunch of cores for the consoles you want and you'll effectively be able to boot them up directly through Launchbox without the hassle of all the "Load Core" malarky. Here's a couple of videos that'll turn you into a RetroArch pro by the time you're done with them. Once it's all set-up, you'll never have to see the RetroArch menu ever again! RetroArch Starter Guide: Android Starter Guide:
  15. This update is brilliant! I'm almost exclusively a Launchbox for Android user, so I wasn't aware how many mismatched and incorrect box art images I had downloaded; and now I'm getting nostalgic over seeing all the correct ones from my childhood again. Cheers @Jason Carr!
  16. I couldn't agree more @viking! I did honestly have a crack at that exact scenario myself, but I'm just too unfamiliar with coding for Android to get it right. I can't imagine a theme of that stature will be too far away now, which is why I felt like I shouldn't make too many of these, but at the very least it's a temporary stop-gap for some popular consoles until that day comes!
  17. Having used the theme a little more, I'd probably say it happens around 10% of the time now when backing out of a game list view. I can only seem to replicate the issue using 'Wheel with Details' and 'Text List with Details'-- so it may be any theme that utilizes a full video background? Oh, and I'm using an Odin (Lite) on Android 11. Thanks for responding Jason!
  18. Hey! Yes, you can absolutely download all of the Colorful videos directly through Launchbox for Android; however the only downside is that platforms in the videos themselves are all centered in the middle of the video, so you can't quite pull off the effect of having the console wheel to the left of the platform videos with a coloured background. That being said, you can still use them in conjunction with other themes, and I'm sure some themes in the future will incorporate them beautifully, but as of right now I believe this is the only way for it to work like this. I know your "Viking's Nostalgia 16x9" works perfectly using this method as the platforms in the video are already offset to right-hand side of the screen. I totally understand and know there are a lack of platforms here. I know I personally won't have the time to create all of these, so if you haven't already you can certainly try the method of using "Viking's Nostalgia 16x9" as mentioned above! However, if there is a demand for it, I'd be happy to create a couple of others.
  19. View File So, for this theme I've edited together some of the beautiful platform videos seen within the COLORFUL BigBox theme by @viking-- and with their permission I'm uploading these if anyone here is interested! I've basically repositioned the videos to the right-hand side so that the standard 'Wheel with Details' theme fits nicely on the left (plus some other minor amendments such as console startups and colour changes). Please see below for a little example of what it looks like below; OdinLite_LaunchBox_v01_Compressed.mp4 What's Included x19 H264 platform videos to be used in conjunction with the standard 'Wheels with Details' theme: Android, NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, Nintendo DS, Master System, Mega Drive (Genesis), Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Sega GameGear, SNK NeoGeo Pocket Color, Playstation 1, Playstation 2, Sony PSP Installation Instructions Extract the [platform videos] from the .zip file to an appropriate location. Open Launchbox and change the Platform view to the standard [Wheel with Details] theme. Hold on a platform and tap Edit Media, and then tap Browse for New MP4 Video and select the corresponding video file to the platform (you will need to repeat this across all platforms) On the Platform page tap View Settings and adjust the Background Fade Amount to 0. Enable Background Videos, and Disable both Show Box Image and Show Text Details. @faeran I know this isn't an ordinary theme upload, so please feel free to move it if this isn't the right space for it. Also, thank you for everything you do! Edit: Also, I made an edit to this post and it destroyed the formatting of the page, hahah, apologies! Submitter Bawnanable Submitted 09/15/2022 Category Custom Themes
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Hey folks! So, for this theme I've edited together some of the beautiful platform videos seen within the COLORFUL BigBox theme by @viking-- and with their permission I'm uploading these if anyone here is interested! I've basically repositioned the videos to the right-hand side so that the standard 'Wheel with Details' theme fits nicely on the left (plus some other minor amendments such as console startups and colour changes). Please see below for a little example of what it looks like below; OdinLite_LaunchBox_v01_Compressed.mp4 What's Included x19 H264 platform videos to be used in conjunction with the standard 'Wheels with Details' theme: Android, NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, Nintendo DS, Master System, Mega Drive (Genesis), Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Sega GameGear, SNK NeoGeo Pocket Color, Playstation 1, Playstation 2, Sony PSP Installation Instructions Extract the [platform videos] from the .zip file to an appropriate location. Open Launchbox and change the Platform view to the standard [Wheel with Details] theme. Hold on a platform and tap Edit Media, and then tap Browse for New MP4 Video and select the corresponding video file to the platform (you will need to repeat this across all platforms) On the Platform page tap View Settings and adjust the Background Fade Amount to 0. Enable Background Videos, and Disable both Show Box Image and Show Text Details. @faeran I know this isn't an ordinary theme upload, so please feel free to move it if this isn't the right space for it. Also, thank you for everything you do!
  21. Hi @viking! I hope all is going well-- I messaged you before about any interest in making this theme into an Android Launchbox theme; and after having finally received my Odin Lite, I made some small edits to the 16:9 Colorful theme in order to get your beautiful videos into the Platform page of Launchbox (I basically repositioned the videos to the right for the 'Wheel with Details' to fit nicely on the left, plus some other minor edits). I've included a small video below and thought some people may be interested in having these themselves, but I wanted to make sure you'd be happy for me to distribute them before I do so! OdinLite_LaunchBox_v01_Compressed.mp4
  22. You've done such an incredible job with Launchbox for Android @Jason Carr! I think it was brought up previously that save/load states are not compatible with emulators like MMJR when booted up via Launchbox-- I was wondering if there is a way that Launchbox could simply boot up the associated app rather than specifically the game itself when a game is selected which may (or may not) allow save states to work again and future-proof the issue? Similar to how Redream works with Android 11.
  23. Hi there! First of all, I just wanted to say fantastic job on Launchbox for Android-- I absolutely love it!! I do apologise if this issue has been brought up before, but for my Platform views I'm using 'Wheel with details' with background videos and use various themes that generally use Emumovies gameplay videos within my game views. Now, about 25% of the time when I back out of my game view I get a still frame of the video embedded on my Platform view with no way to get rid of it until closing it. (See attached) Is there anything I could do to resolve this issue, or is it more of an internal bug? Thanks again!
  24. This is a really beautifully clean theme @faeran! Definitely my theme of choice! Forgive my naivety but regarding the inclusion of videos; is there any possibility of overlaying boxarts that are offset on top of gameplay videos with xamarin? Edit: No worries, I've swapped out the boxart with gameplay videos instead-- works nicely!
  25. @viking Yes! I've also ordered an Odin Lite! Super excited for it-- I'm clearly planning ahead for what themes I'll be using when it arrives, hahah. Nevertheless I'm glad to hear you've got some interest in the Android side of things as I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for any updates from ya'!
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