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Everything posted by RooKie123

  1. The decision about launcher feature are good, I love Drastic. You pay atention to repair the broken things. To add to to do list melonDS whould be the next. God work keep going,now are the best game frontend in android.
  2. Yes it worked for me and now no works. Repair Drastic or implement melonDS standalone app. And Redream ....then there is the best emu launcher. I'm only dreaming
  3. This is what I do when I want to play cps games I enter on arcade and search cps and have the cps games, till now I do it with Naomi too.
  4. This stuck here never load metadata. The same dir on arcade system takes 1 or 2 seconds to pass this screen. I probe with diferent regions and without mame type but doesn't work. But in arcade system works like a charm this dir. An example in arcade system the same dir 3rd capture. A
  5. I can't scan cps it still don't work for me.
  6. They are full romset for FBA if I scan this wirh the arcade system works but with the new capcom systems do not scan. I think the problem is in system config. The new system naomi works like charm. I didn't probe any else.
  7. I can't get scanned any of cps systems stuck on searching games.
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