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  1. I'm coming back to this again. Is it possible to add something into the command for MAME games on a case-by-case basis to 'force' them to run at maximum 1080p? I've been reading MAME forums too, and details about adjusting .ini files.
  2. Thanks for more tips. I'll keep working on this!
  3. Thanks, both great options for me to check again. Appreciate your help.
  4. I've always used LaunchBox on a small PC Box with my TV as a screen. I've upgraded to a new television recently, Samsung Frame, and now when I run MAME ROMs they are running very slowly - both video and audio seem to be lagging. I haven't made any changes to the computer system, but have also noticed that sometimes when navigating the Microsoft Windows menus, it seems to be a little laggy, but not as evident as with MAME. All of the other systems I have installed seem to be running as before. This seems like a weird issue to me, but wondered if anyone might have experienced something similar and know of a fix. Thanks!
  5. Sorry for getting this thread started in the wrong forum, too. I went searching for people who had experienced similar to see if there were any ideas already out there and riffed on what others had experienced.
  6. Good advice. I'll give these ideas a try now that its the weekend.
  7. I just close with the Windows 'x' in the right corner. I had wondered if perhaps there may have been background processes still closing when I shut down the computer, so have been leaving it on for a while prior to shutting down, but the problem has still cropped up again. The errors have been similar to: "It appears that your LaunchBox/Data/Gamecontrollers.xml file is corrupt; Launch box can't continue. Please try restoring your backup file from the Backups folder inside your LaunchBox root folder." The files given have varied, but Gamecontrollers.xml and listcache.xml have been repeat offenders.
  8. Thanks for replying! No, I have done everything manually - added all of my emulators and games manually. I have been thinking of seeing whether a fresh start would help here. I've tried re-installing over the top of the past installations, but the issue has re-emerged each time. To start fresh, would I need only delete the previous LaunchBox folder and run a new installation? I hope my ideas aren't too simple.
  9. Did you have an success with mapping this controller? I've just bought USB wireless NES- and SNES-style controllers, and liked the look of the one you had for playing Sega games. I've always avoided using Bluetooth controllers though - maybe just due to past poor experience. I'd like to hear if you had success setting this up.
  10. I think it seems like a cool idea too!
  11. Hi all, I'd been working with an old version of Launchbox for several years without making updates or having problems. I switched the option to check for updates at launch recently and made a couple of updates. Since then I've experienced the .xml files being reported as corrupt quite regularly, and have had to restore from backups every couple of days. Now my backup files are also reported as corrupt. I'm now looking to 'start fresh' with a new install of the latest version. Is it okay or recommended to just install over the top of my current install, or would it be better to completely uninstall the original Launchbox and install from scratch? Thanks for your suggestions or insight!
  12. I've started to see similar messages in LaunchBox for Windows too. I have usually been able to restore the corrupted files from backup zips since the problem started. I had been using a quite old version of LaunchBox for the last few years without any problems, and recently reactivated the option to check for updates on start up. Since I updated to the latest version, I have had to restore various files from the backup quite regularly. Is there anything that could be causing these files to become corrupt so regularly since updating to version 12.11, and then 12.12?
  13. I've started to see similar messages in LaunchBox for Windows too. I have usually been able to restore the corrupted files from backup zips since the problem started. I had been using a quite old version of LaunchBox for the last few years, and recently reactivated the option to check for updates on start up. Since I updated to the latest version, I have had to restore various files from the backup quite regularly. Is there anything that could be causing these files to become corrupt so regularly?
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