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  1. NHLPA Hockey 93 - pretty much got me into gaming, my Dad and I played this for hours! Wii Sports Goldeneye 007 Halo 3 Mario Kart Wii
  2. Honestly, I've just recently found out about LaunchBox. I have messed around with it for a little bit, but have all the settings and whatnot on default. I am looking forward to start customizing it more though.
  3. My top 5 games of all time- NHLPA Hockey 93 Sim City 2000 Halo 3 Burnout: Takedown Half-Life 2
  4. I would like to see concept art and "museum" type collections like others have stated. Devloper commentary would be cool to listen/view to as well. Get their thoughts on why they chose to design a level a certain ways and what was included or not in the final build, etc.
  5. Updated graphics, sound, and added content would make a successful remaster. For added content maybe bonus content like behind the scenes type videos and artwork on how the teams created/updated models. I also like the option to quickly switch between old and new graphics.
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