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  1. After waiting a few days and trying again it still doesn't seem to work. The only thing I notice might be the cause is that the Steam URL prompt in Launchbox begins with "http" while on steam it begins with "https". I don't know if this is the cause, but I can't think of anything else. My Steam ID matches what I've input into Launchbox, and I've tried creating new API Keys but it still won't work. UPDATE: Never mind, I found the issue. I included the "/" behind the ID at the end of the steam URL that steam shows me, but when I now followed the tutorial video the person didn't include it. After removing it from the URL, it now works.
  2. You're right; it hadn't changed back for some reason. I changed it back now tho and it still doesn't work, with or without the "h".
  3. That was just part of my attempted problem-solving. One theory I had was that maybe updating my custom URL would fix it, so I went into Steam and dropped the "h", updated it, then put it back so that it would be updated in case that would be the issue.
  4. My profile is set to public, my custom URL is correct and my steam API key is correct, yet it says "Your account could not be accessed". Anyone know what else I can do?
  5. That fixed it! My main monitor uses 125% so I set my TV to the same and now it remains the same size. The taskbar on the TV does look microscopic now, but I don't use he TV's taskbar for anything anyway so its no problem. My setup runs flawlessly now thanks to all the help I've gotten here, so thank you very much! 😁
  6. This worked perfectly! Well almost; I somehow end up with a comically large pointer on my PC monitor after I exit Big Box when it switches back to my PC profile, and I don't know how to get it back to normal. 😰
  7. I'll make sure to keep this in mind, although luckily I tend to run all my games directly from LB/BB. I'm also still interested in trying this out, as on rare occasions BB and RetroArch will boot up on the wrong monitor for me, so it would make everything consistent and fluid. Would you be able to share the batch file?
  8. This worked! And I can just keep the Sly Collection as an added game too if I ever want to access some of its own features like minigames, short films etc. Thanks for the help! 😊
  9. I tried that script but it didn't work unfortunately I've attached a video of what it looks like currently using that script, maybe it'll be useful. I tried the "primary monitor" strategy before, but found it tedious to constantly change primary monitor manually depending on what I wanted to do. But the program and batch file solution you proposed sounds interesting, although I have no idea how to set that up. sly.mp4
  10. I would prefer a method that wouldn't depend a sleep timer though, as it seems more like a band-aid than a solution here. I might take time contemplating which game to start, and I believe the pre-game-select menu has exclusive features too that I might check out before deciding on one of the games, and other factors can also affect when I select a game. But if there's no better solution than the sleep timer then I'll just have to settle with it.
  11. Hiya, so I got an ahk script that moves my RPSC3 emulated game to my TV on startup, which works great. However, when booting up "The Sly Collection" and selecting one of the three games in-game, it closes and opens up again as the selected game, but this one doesn't get affected by my script and thus doesn't move to my TV. Do anyone know a solution to this? Here's my current script: #NoEnv WinWaitActive, ahk_exe rpcs3.exe Send #+{Left} ;Send Win+Shift+Left WinMaximize, ahk_exe rpcs3.exe $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} }
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