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Everything posted by Kalimus

  1. Yes, I already messed around with them, but it did not made what I wanted... That is, putting the "All Games" at the first item, an not the last one
  2. I don't think I made myself clear... I know that there is a "all games" filter, and I use it... But will aways be the last thing in the Plataforms list... I have like 20 consoles, and I have to scroll until the end to get to the "all games"... It is king of anoying
  3. Hello. I recently bought a license tô support this project... But I'm pretty annoyed with 2 things. 1) The "ALL Games" filter is always the last one, so tô get tô it I need tô Scrolls though ALL of the platforms, and then select it... Since (at least for me) It is the most usefull filter, It should bê the First (or at least give the option tô choose If It is the First or last filter) 2) On every platformer filter, when I select it, there is a secondary screen with some "Genres Filters" (like RPGs, Fighting, Racing, Strategy...), I think It is pretty cool. But again, another problem with the "ALL Games" filter... In this one, this Genre Screen is not showed... It Just jump to the screen with the games... And I want to show the Genres for ALL of my games
  4. Please, move the "All Games" section to be the first... Or at least give the option to move it... It is the most accessed section, and it is always the last one It is a pain when you have like, 25 different console sections and always have to scroll until the end to get to "All games"
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