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Everything posted by NP88

  1. Thanks for letting me know. I will try it tonight and hope that this is the fix that I need. My only cautions are that I can launch a rom successfully in RA, but not in lunchbox. ALso I am using a Nvidia graphics card, but none the less I am going to try this solution and hope for the best. Thanks again!
  2. Yes, I have unchecked the box and still roms will not launch (nor should they since they are zipped. Also, yes I am using Retroarch direct to view the history and attempt to launch the roms. It may not be the reason, but it is strange that all this started happening (roms not launching with Retroarch) once the 13.14 update was implemented .
  3. I do have the option checked to extract roms, and I assume that is the reason it is being sent to the 7-zip temp folder. See below for the screen snips:
  4. So I have a bit more of information after doing some digging into Retroarch in the history section. When a game is launched through LaunchBox that uses Retroarch as the emulator, the file path is shown as follows C:\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\7-Zip\Temp\10-Yard Fight The game does not launch anymore in LaunchBox and when trying to launch it direct though Retroarch using the same path (going into history and attempting to launch the game from the list in history). It will come back with an error that it cannot find the file. Digging deeper into the history section of Retroarch (games launched 8 weeks ago and older) the file path for the game is different C:\LaunchBox\Games\Nintendo Entertainment System\10-Yard Fight. Launching the game instance in History will work in this instance. It seems like LaunchBox is sending the games to a temp folder (to un-zip the rom?) and for some reason Retroarch cannot read the rom or find the location. I'm not sure what to do with this information but maybe it's a step in the right direction to help with this issue.
  5. Hey there, I hope someone can figure out your problem as I am in the exact same situation as you are. Everything worked fine for the past few years and for the past month I cannot launch a game that uses Retroarch as the emulator through LaunchBox. I hope someone is able to help you soon.
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