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Everything posted by BloodyThorn

  1. If someone changes an image without an explanation or obvious reason (resolution, size, ect) I don't approve it. If the only difference is someone is changing where the transparencies lay without explaining it in a comment, I don't approve it.
  2. Yup, spending a good portion of my morning moderation skipping Xapo Zule and Chapolim X Drácula: Um Duelo Assustador... Again.
  3. Wow. This discussion is well more heated that it needs to be. I'll just continue to skip these Sega games so I can continue to contribute. I wanted a resolution, not a gathering of salt.
  4. There needs to be a way to turn certain requests for certain games off until conflicts are resolved. I spent a lot of time skipping Sapo Xule modifications. It'd be nice that once we determine that there is a problem, we can spare moderators from having to continually be part of the conflict.
  5. > Seems pointless trying to stem the tide by clogging up the queue with confusing add/delete/add/delete cycles. And this is all I am concerned about. Honestly I don't care either way. So no getting 'riled up' here. I just want to stop seeing it in my queue.
  6. There certainly needs to be a way to make a ruling, and lock the entries that are being vandalized in a way that goes against them. But I don't care what we do either way, as long as a consensus is reached.
  7. Way ahead of you.
  8. > probably safest not to accept delete requests of any kind for entries related to this Thanks for the confirmation. Steering true.
  9. Just to clarify: These Sega games should be classified under the same game. I just want to know as I want to know if I should keep rejecting adding the new game, and rejecting deleting the alternative artwork (brazil) off the OG game.
  10. > Your Account Could Not Be Accessed. Could only mean a few things. 1. The account you are trying to scrape from isn't identified correctly (my version just needs your User ID and API Key) 2. Your privacy settings are not correct. There really isn't much else it can be. Are you getting an error on fail?
  11. I've noticed there have been a bunch of 'rotations' already on images in the db. Both back and forth. People arguing in submission/moderation.
  12. Every game is going to have multiple release dates. Currently the recognized solution is to use the earliest release date. The only way to change this would be to add regional release dates.
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