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Everything posted by divetravis

  1. Sorry to hear you are having troubles. I don't have any advice to offer. My machine has been running well and I have not updated LaunchBox/BigBox in a long time. I figure as long as it is running well why take the risk 😁. I hope you get it solved!!
  2. I don't have an answer for you but I am having the same problem.
  3. My vertical cabinet has been rock solid until the latest Windows 11 update and now it has been crashing in attract mode. When it crashes it closes and leaves me back in Windows. Not sure exactly how long it takes to crash but around an hour. I changed my wait time to 5 minutes and my time between movements to 1 minute and the crashing appears to have stopped. It ran all night and when I got up this morning it was still running. Wanted to say thanks to Moudrost for taking the time to post this suggestionπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  4. Thanks for taking the time to respond to this πŸ‘. When booting directly into Bigbox my cabinet would sometimes loose focus and I would have to use a mouse. Adding a startup video that lasts 11 seconds appears to have fixed my problem. Thank You, Thank You, Thank you!!!
  5. SUNDOGAK,,, Thank you for taking the time to answer this!!! Not only was I able to get my table working but I learned something in the process. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ†πŸ†
  6. Thanks for the quick response !! It does work great and I am happy with it, but I would be happier with the logos 😁 😁. I will play with it a bit more.
  7. I am trying to get logos to show up on the Platform List View, is this possible? If I use Platform Wheel 1 the logos display but if I use any of the other three wheel views only the text shows up. I would like to use one of the other wheel views since they are fixed and don't scroll around. Love the theme and appreciate any hep you can give me.
    Love this theme. Works perfect on my vertical cabinet. I haven't figured everything out yet but I have yet to find something that does not work. Great jobπŸ†
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