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  1. Excellent thanks for the advice i'll check that out. It would have been very usueful in this instance to identify the broken links. However i did delete the rom thinking it had imported through the wizard so the real pain was finidng a new copy of the rom and saving it in the right location, which there isn't an easy solution to unfortunatley. Regardless all fixed now
  2. I recently transferred my LB setup to a new bigger drive as things got out of hand (i'm sure y ou know how it is) and made every attempt for it all to be portable and i'd say it was generally a success - good work Launchbox team. One issue i had, completely my own fault, was about 40 or so NES roms were linked to a backup drive which i had subsequently deleted the roms from that drive thinking the files had transferred across to the main launchbox directory. This occured when there was an import wizard bug in a previous version of LB and i missed this error. I subsequemtly had to sift through about 650 NES roms to see where the link/missing rom was broken by looking at the meta data - launching incorrect folder/file path. Something that i think would have made this a bit easier is if the meta data box in LB had a way, i.e. "next button" to skip to the next file to avoid having to back out of the meta data and then right click into meta data again for the next file. It would be an easier way to quickly skim e.g. through the launching section of the meta data to pick any odd variances. Another possibility is an icon that might highlight a broken link to rom showing over the box art/image when skimming through the main game list. There may already be a simple way of doing this that i'm not aware but a suggestion for what's its worth. Thanks
  3. Ahhh thanks. I think that is where i went wrong! The first option is what i applied.
  4. Thanks for the advice. I did try and change the menu hotkey within Retroarch input menu but i couldn't pair it with two buttons. It only allowe one button or key. I suspect as you pointed out deleting that line from the config file might allow it?
  5. Ahh this is what i was looking for!
  6. Thanks! i take it you may have updated the retroarch menu button to use the xbox (home) button that way in LB and BB?
  7. I was hoping people may like to share what buttons they use, which they think works best for various features of LaunchBox and BigBox using an Xbox X/S controller, in partcilar the pause, exit and close active window? I've been using the "View + Menu" buttons to exit. "View" button for pause and "View + A" for close active window. I realised "view" for pause is a daft idea as that is the select button for most consoles. I'd like to staty away from the Xbox button as that brings up Retroarch menu.
  8. I've recently restablished all my Arcade games running MAME and in the LaunchBox platform category it shows up Arcade/2 player.... Sega Model 2 and etc which is awesome. I recently setup Sega Model 3, using the import wizard for the Model 3 Roms. This created a Segal Model 3 category in Aracde platform which is also awesome. BUT, here is the issue. I also recenlty setup Sega Model 2 Emulator for Daytona USA and using the import wizard for the Model 2 Roms, i now have two Sega Model 2 categories within the Arcade platform. This is because the MAME platform set already has a few Sega Model 2 games with its own category. I tried adding the Daytona Rom within the existing Sega Model 2 category but it always creates a new duplicate category. I pressume it's doing this because of the difference in emulators, i.e. one uses MAME and the other uses Model 2. Also the fact the Rom's are stored in different launch box games folders. I have the Daytona Rom in a folder within Launchboax/games/arcade/super model 2. All the MAME super model 2 categorised games are in the Launchboax/games/Mame folder, Hope this makes sense. Any suggestions to combine these Sega Model 2 games into the same category regardless of the emulator used?
  9. Mate. Has everything to do with premium. The software is not working as it should, which is the basis for paying for a premium membership. In fact the premium membership caters for specific items that are not working. Hence why i'm here in a trouble shooting section of a forum? Day 5 of premium. I advised of the bug with importing Rom's, i.e. choosing to move or relocate is not working. I was told it would be fixed in the next update and in V13.14 it's not.
  10. Day 4 premium - tools/download/media..... not syncing with emumovies content. Good times.
  11. Day 3 with premium and things are getting worse. The import wizard no longer provides the option to select whether or not the file is either copied or left in the destination folder, e.g. i've used tools/import rom file and drop and drag into the console category and the wizard skips the option that was once there. The only option for me to import bulk roms is to a) check the automatic imports box which automatically wants to import all these random roms i don't want and make a huge mess of my setup (as per the first post) or b) dump the roms in the launch game folder and try and remember the hundred i've saved amongst all the other roms which is simply rediculous. When you get to the import wizard download meta data box, if you click back, it does bring up the option to copy or move file but when you do click on move file it doesn't. It leaves the file in the destination. Surley this is a glitch? How do i now install bulk roms as per was allowable in the wizard prior to the update? This is really dissapointing and i don't seem to be getting much helpfrom LaunchBox. If i paid $15 or $20aud for life membership for something glitchy then fair enough but $115aud for what is honestly a bit of a car crash at the momment is a worry. I hope for a fast improve.
  12. Further to the above. I opened up LaunchBox today and it automatically started downloading rom's i don't own for NES. In addition, wiped all images from the and started downloading everything again which was not prompted. I'm having a tough time, day 2 with premium.
  13. I’ve recently been spending hours setting up several consoles and Mame on Launchbox. Apart from the bezels being mostly unsuccessful on rom imports probably because of mismatch rom names, everything has been really great, so on that basis I bought the full licence to take advantage of the extra Launchbox features and BigBox. The following day after purchasing the license, I opened up Launchbox and an automatic update for 13.13 started. I received an error message indicating Launchbox could not close all applications and the update failed. I could no longer open launch box after that, it would crash every time i tried to open. I’m using a new install of Windows 11 with all updates complete with decent hardware (I think). Could I have done something incorrect? I tried copying in the last saved backup but unfortunately that didn’t fix this issue. I had no alternative to uninstall Launchbox and start from scratch again. This sucked because of all the hours I put in setting things up. Given my limited knowledge I figured everything would be lost. The backup would hopefully help a new install. I appreciate things can get a bit temperamental with software and this program is continually improving/expanding. However, is this a common issue with Launchbox automatic updates? At $115, it does cost allot for an Aussie and the day one experience of premium was a rough one for me and suspect it’s a rare occurrence. Perhaps I’m too hopeful updates should always be seamless? But………….. when I uninstalled Launchbox most of the system folders remained and after installing a fresh Launchbox 3.13 all my setup was still in place and works great! Big relief to say the least! Well done if that’s a deliberate way of setting up the uninstall/install application.
  14. Elmo80

    MAME CHD's

    Worked perfectly - Thanks!
  15. Elmo80

    MAME CHD's

    Hi, i have limited understanding of how all things MAME work but have found Launchbox to be pretty idiot proof with importing a MAME full romset and getting it up and running successfully through the wizard. It's really impressive. I'm hoping someone can help me understand a couple things in relation to setting up Mame games that require CHD files: 1. Do i have to download the full Mame CHD set or is there a way or a source for me to simply pick and choose the ones i want to play? I don't really want to download the whole Mame CHD set which seems like it is one zip file via torrent given it's a significant size; and 2. Where do you save the CHD files? say i have all the *.zip Mame game files in lauchbox\games\Mame 0.265 folder, do i save the CHD file in that folder or do i need to insert within the specific *.zip game file. Thanks in advance
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