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Posts posted by StoneGolem

  1. I have 2 Launchboxes on my PC. One is dedicated to my horizontal monitor for mostly beat em ups and the other one is dedicated to my vertical monitor for vertical shoot'em ups.

    Whenever I buy new beat'em up games on Steam, I have to manually add them to first Launchbox which is dedicated for beat em ups. This is normal behaviour and I want to keep it as it is.

    However, after installing the new beat em ups on Steam and adding them to my first Launchbox (horizontal), as soon as I start 2nd launchbox (vertical), it adds those games to it's library as well. "Automated imports" option is disabled as seen on attached screenshot.

    I think it's something related to the way I installed the 2nd Launchbox. I just copy/pasted it into another folder after installing the first one. But the first one never had that issue.

    How can I solve this issue?

    2024-03-16 05_33_38-Options.png

  2. If I understand correctly, for this theme, the cabinet image is attributed as a static image which means it doesn't change from game to game. However, since you have almost all of the cabined images which does have same openings for gameplay images and upper flyer images, I believe cabinet image can become a variable and can be called same as any other game related image by proper naming. If a game doesn't have a cabinet image, then the default cabinet image can be used, or default cabinet images can be clones and renamed according to all other games without cabinet image.

    However... These are all theoric guesses I made right now. Only @RedSnake knows the truth and could help you to achieve this nice idea.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Hello,

    I have found a very good theme which I really like. It's the CoinOps Redux [4x3] theme. I only needed to increase the ClearLogo sizes of the games and move/enlarge the list a little to the left to make space for bigger icons. First screenshot shows the original wheel view, Second Screenshot shows the enlarged icons which I have modified. As you can see, the ClearLogos are clipped both from right and left side of the column. I want to make that Clear logo just between the arcade cabinet and right side of the screen. And I might increase the spacing a little more later on.

    With my friends help, I could find a forum post about changing icon sizes and I applied. On that page I have tried many options but I couldn't succeed. I have also checked the Documentation.pdf file which is located in the themes folder, however, I'm unable to find the proper variable for my need yet.

    Can someone please tell me which variable should I change to increase the column size to make ClearLogos fit inside the invisible colum and move it a little bit left side so the other games looks better?

    UPDATE 1:
    I could find the variable needed to move the column. (Screenshot 4 & 5)
    All I need right now is to increase the size of the column without changing the icon size. Or maybe I can scaale it all and make icons smaller. I hope these beautiful clear logos won't be blurred if I do so.

    UPDATE 2:
    I could find the needed variables to achieve my needs. (screenshot 6)
    I would like to leave this post here just incase if anyone needs it. Changed parameters are visible on notepad screenshots, so it might help others.


    Thank You,

    Yours Respectfully,
    Mehmet Can ÜNEY

    2023-08-07 01_24_57-Greenshot.png

    2023-08-07 02_43_19-Greenshot.png

    2023-08-07 02_44_02-Greenshot.png

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    2023-08-07 03_29_46-Greenshot.png


    2023-08-07 04_19_19-LaunchBox Big Box.png

  4. Update: I could modify the xaml file and achieve what I need (screenshot 4). Thank you.


    First of all, thank you for this great theme. I have been recently upgraded to the BigBox and this is my main theme since then. The arcade themed clear logo gamewheel selection is what I was dreaming for and I got it thanks to you.

    I have encountered a slight issue which might also be a design decision. The BigBox Menu text is clipped (pls check 1st screenshot). However, this might be because of my 1280x1024 screen. Not a big deal. I just wanted to inform you about it.

    Now there is one favor I wanted to ask to you. As a 45 years old gamer, my eyes are not like they used to be. I can't see and distinguish images very well. I would really appreciate If the Vertical gamewheel icons can be bigger as a 3rd gamewheel option. (Please check the screenshots 2 and 3 for comparison)

    If it's not much to ask. Please add a 3rd gamewheel option which has bigger clear logos (without gamebox) for me.

    Thank you.

    Yours Respectfully,
    Mehmet Can ÜNEY

    2023-08-07 01_24_11-Greenshot.png

    2023-08-07 01_24_57-Greenshot.png

    2023-08-07 01_24_57-Greenshot.jpg

    2023-08-07 03_55_09-LaunchBox Big Box.png

  5. Hello faeran,

    I'm having an issue while uninstalling the 3-DIMENSIONS theme from BigBox. Whenever I try it, BigBox needs to be restarted and after restart, the theme is still there but needs an update this time. I have tried it many time including trying to repair it. I guess maybe BigBox uses one of it's functions now and can't replace it with default. Of course I have tried to switch other themes before deleting the 3-Dimensions as well. Any suggestions?

  6. I have been using LaunchBox for a while. I set it up according to my taste as seen on the attached screenshot. I like it simple with clear logos only.

    After getting BigBox, I wanted to achieve the same result but I couldn't find any way to show clear logos on any wall views except "old-default theme".

    Yes, I have selected the "Game Image Type: Clear Logos" at options/images.

    What am I missing?


    Thank You.

    2023-08-02 23_50_55-Greenshot.png

  7. I want to use Launchbox solely for retro gaming including snes, genesis and arcade. However there is an Android platform and I'm unable to remove Android platform from Launchbox. I also can't remove games without deleting them.

    I have searched and found a solution but I guess it doesn't apply for Android version because there are no such options on my latest version Launcbox for Android.

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