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Everything posted by Syrinx

  1. Love the suggestions here regarding systems in MAME other than the arcade games and the fantasy consoles and computers. MAME covers so many different and unique pieces of hardware in one program, that it's a great starting point to expand your library and knowledge of historical hardware. I know I discovered and experienced many different systems I fell in love with through MAME, and I have to assume that's the case for many others as well. Similarly, I've only recently started diving into the wider world of fantasy consoles past Pico-8, but have instantly fallen in love with their different charms and quirks. It would be great to see all these different platforms given some attention in the database.
  2. Hi, Not sure if you had any luck getting this up and running, but I just found a workaround myself after searching around on a few different sites and wanted to share it in case you or any one else was still having trouble with the Pecom. While the latest version of MAME gets stuck when loading the programs, an earlier version (0.198) runs them fine. You'll need to get this version installed and then copy the pecom zip files and pecom Software List folder of whatever MAME romset you're using. If you're like me and don't have a 0.198 romset, you're going to need clrmame to rebuild the rom files to be compatbile with the older MAME build. This was my first time using this utility, so I don't have the best ability to provide a walkthrough on the process. The included readme in the clrmame zip does a good job though, and I'll try my best. If anyone sees any issues with my overview, please let me know. Like I said, it was the first time I used it, and it worked, but it took some trial and error even when following along with tutorials. Essentially, point the scanner at the 0.198 mame.exe with the -listxml command, tell it where the rom directory for your 0.198 set is, set a back-up folder, and check the "Fix Issues" box. Then run the scan. After it's done, you should be able to use the commands and load programs properly within the Pecom system in MAME. Hope this helps.
  3. Hi medi, I just got Play! setup to play some arcade games myself. You want to use the command line parameters "--fullscreen --arcade" then check the box for "remove file extension and folder path" and you need to make sure the file name is the one associated with the game in the emulator i.e. fateulc for Fate: Unlimited Codes or soulclb3 for Soul Calibur 3. Hope this helps.
  4. Thank you very much for the suggestion. I'm not sure why I didn't think to check to see if the PDP-1 was emulated through MAME; it honestly seems like an obvious thing to check before posting. Got to say, I like the grainier more authentic look to the actual game rather than the simulation which does a great job but looks a little too clean for 60s hardware. Thanks again.
  5. Hi all, I've been really enjoying getting my games library put together, and I am finally getting around to actually utilizing JoyToKey for the games that don't support controllers. This has meant my friends and I have finally been putting in a bunch of time playing the original video game, Spacewar! for the PDP-1. Isn't it weird how we didn't play it much when we had to share a keyboard? However, the simulator/emulator I have launches in a very small window. I have tried running the spacewar.exe program with various command line parameters: -f -fullscreen -max -maximized -w=1080 Unfortunately. nothing I seem to try actually launches the game at a reasonable size, and I always have to grab my mouse and navigate to the maximize icon. I'm not sure if there's some command I should try instead, if there's some sort of batch file I can create to launch it at a desired size, or if there's something else I can try, but I figured I'd post this and see if anyone had any thoughts. I know that links are discouraged, so to provide some more context, the simulator I use was produced by Eric Waller. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be happy to take any input provided. Hope everyone's had a good first month to the year.
  6. Hi all, This is my first time posting after lurking on the forums my first year here because I wanted to take the time to thank everyone here for creating such a wonderful space to find guides, troubleshoot issues that I meet, and great content to customize the libraries. While I want to thank everyone on the forums for all they've contributed and helped me along the way as I started diving down these emulation rabbit holes, there are definitely a few names I need to thank specifically. To ETAPrime, thank you for all of the great youtube tutorials that led me through the process to get all my favorite systems set-up. To Lord Monkus, sundogak, neil9000, & C-beats, thank you all for all of the incredible set-up and troubleshooting guides you have provided for so many systems that were giving me issues. I can't tell you how many times I ran into a problem, searched the forums, and breathed a sigh of relief seeing one of your avatars in a related thread. The moment I see one of you talking about the problem I'm trying to solve, I instantly believe I am about to get things resolved because you always provide such great insight and detailed descriptions for what to do in order to fix whatever went wrong. To Zombeaver, your help when I started down (and continue to go down) the insane rabbit hole that is emulating retro computers is immeasurable. It has been incredible to play these older PC games, and you are responsible for the vast majority that I got up and running. To Warped Polygon, thank you for the preconfigured settings for so many systems and saving me so much time. Finding these was incredible. Only wish I had found them before doing the Model 2, but at least I saved time on all the other configurations. To all the mods and admins who help maintain this site and ensure that we can all enjoy the forums and can find all the info we need, thank you for all that you do. To everyone in the community, thank you for creating such a welcoming place for people such as myself just starting to figure out emulation. I feel much more confident in my abilities after just a year of getting into this, and I have started to love the process of getting emulators set-up and seeing it all come together and see the first game load almost as much as I love actually playing these classic games.
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